Of Priests, Pastors, and Prophets
Christ alone fills the office of Prophet, Priest, and King of His Church
By underemphasizing the biblical teaching about the priesthood of all believers––and, by imposing a functional munex triplex onto the office of pastor (i.e, elder or bishop)––we can treat pastors as priestly mediators between God and man–when in fact, every pastor is himself in need of the priestly mediation of the High Priest of the Church, Jesus Christ.... Continue Reading
3 Steps for Battling Self-Deception
How can we battle this tendency toward self-deception?
It is only in humility that we recognize the potential to deceive ourselves, only in humility that we can objectively examine the signposts that lead us to our hearts, and only in humility that we are willing to seek out and listen to the council of others. And in all that, when we come to... Continue Reading
True Greatness
The pathway to true greatness is humble-minded servanthood.
You can gauge how far along you are in developing a servant’s heart by taking note of how you respond when someone treats you like a servant. When feelings of resentment, bitterness, or anger emerge when our acts of kindness seem unappreciated that is a good indicator that we still have a way to go... Continue Reading
Men, Be the Chief Repenters in Your Homes
What does it means to lead your home in repentance?
The goal of being the chief repenter is to become less like your old self, and more like your Savior. As a Christian, you are in Christ; you are united to Him and in communion with Him (John 15:1-5; Romans 8:1). And that means that the real you, as a Christian man, is a repenter, a loather of sin, and... Continue Reading
Some Learn and Never Grow: A Lost Remedy for Spiritual Immaturity
The pathway to Christian maturity isn’t just to become a more educated person, but a more obedient person.
Do you feel like you have a stunted or even arrested development when it comes to your spiritual growth? Do you long to go on to maturity in your faith? If your answer is yes, turn to God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and submit all your life to his word —... Continue Reading
Same Temple, Same Miracle, Entirely Different Expectation
Boldly preach Christ to the world around you.
Many think that they are headed to Heaven, many think that they know Jesus, but few, very few, know and worship the Jesus of John chapter 9. Preach this Christ, and gently but boldly confront the world’s misunderstanding of Jesus, because it is the only way for people to be saved. But most importantly Jesus... Continue Reading
The Wisdom in Restraining Our Lips
As we speak and publish our words, let’s seek to choose the way of the wise rather than the fool.
These aren’t laws that we must always follow, but perhaps helpful speed bumps to help us slow down our words when our patience is running thin. I believe we will learn to be better stewards of our words as a whole if we heed the warnings and wise words from Proverbs. There’s much wisdom in... Continue Reading
What Happens When the Word of God’s Authority is Ignored?
Doctrine and Creeds are good if they are scriptural.
When the authority of God’s Word is seen as anything less by professing Christians and their leaders, compromise soon follows. These compromises come in many flavors and they always seem to be innocent enough at first that few see the danger. It seems that it is as more and more leaders take their flocks into... Continue Reading
The Simple Call of the Gospel, Part 6: Its Success
Here is the success of the simple call of the gospel: The sinner is saved. The sinner whom the Spirit called, submits himself to the God of the Word.
During Israel’s Spiritual famine did Elisha change his message, manner, or focus on the Word of God? No. He went about doing what God called Him to do. He taught the sons of the prophets the Word of God. He revealed the Word of God to the King of Israel. He ministered to the family... Continue Reading
Divine Judicial Blindness
God is fully just in all he does, and we are fully accountable for all that we do. While we may have trouble reconciling those two realities, they are part of the bedrock of biblical theology.
Jesus did not fail in his ministry, but he was continuing the prophetic experience of Isaiah; he was simply filling up or completing what Isaiah described in his own time. The Jews should therefore hear John’s words and see them as an exhortation to repent of their disbelief and turn to the messenger who can... Continue Reading
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