The Cosmic Canvas
We will see thousands of glorious, God-wrought eucatastrophes, in which the seed of the woman suddenly and unexpectedly triumphed over the seed of the serpent…and we will worship.
We will see how God kept us, how dreadfully close we came to making shipwreck of our faith, but how, without fail, God intervened by his Word and Spirit and called us to faith and repentance again. I imagine that in heaven there will be a sort of cosmic canvas or divine tapestry that... Continue Reading
The Harsh Truth About Gentle Parenting
It’s not loving to withhold the discipline that an unruly child needs.
Willful disobedience is prime time for pointing children to Christ. They need to experience a consequence to understand that sin is a real problem with a real penalty. If they repent and believe in Jesus, God will forgive them because Jesus bore their sins in His body. He offers them Christ’s righteousness in exchange for... Continue Reading
The Transfigured Son
Everyone in Christ by faith is being transformed from one degree of glory to another, as by the Spirit of the Lord.
The revelation of the glory of God, reflecting off the face of Moses, was an accompanying sign of the divine source of the message that God gave him on the mountain. The emanating glory from the face of the Lord Jesus Christ was not a reflected glory. Jesus is the very revelation of the glory... Continue Reading
Can Same-Sex Couples Stay the Night?
Thinking logically and applying biblical principles equally among comparable situations helps to navigate difficult questions with biblical fidelity.
Would I allow a boyfriend and girlfriend to stay the night in a bedroom in my home? No, because I don’t want to condone the sexual sin of fornication. I only allow married couples to stay the night together in my home. I can apply the same logic to the situation with two homosexual men. ... Continue Reading
The Exodus
God’s redemption must come first, and then the stipulations for life in the covenant follow.
When the Lord Jesus came to fulfill all that was prefigured in the events surrounding the exodus from Egypt, similar signs and wonders were present. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter reminded his listeners that Jesus of Nazareth was “a man attested . . . by God with mighty works and wonders and... Continue Reading
The Prayer of His People
Ask, seek, and knock—that’s what Jesus wants (Matt. 7:7).
Prayerlessness is, at its core, unbelief. When Jesus comes again, will he find us praying and trusting (for the two are interconnected)? Or will he find us living and acting and planning and complaining and manipulating our own strategies as if there were no God at all? Mark 11 Therefore I tell you, whatever... Continue Reading
What in the World is the Ordo Amoris?
If we as a nation choose to prioritize the stranger and foreigner over and above our own fellow countrymen and citizens, we are in for a world of trouble we neither need nor want.
The simple fact is, God is not obligated to love anyone the way they insist. God has ordered His own loves in keeping with His prerogative. God is not accountable to man and has stated that His decision to express mercy and show compassion is determined only by His own good pleasure (cf. Rom. 9;... Continue Reading
How a Sermon on Hell Lifted My Soul
Pastor, with compassion in your voice, preach on hell with all your heart.
When I walked into the church, I was so low I wondered if I would ever be able to look another human directly in the eye again. However, as the word of God washed over me, I was reminded I was not alone in my condition. It is not as if I deserve hell and... Continue Reading
Where Would We Be Without Genesis 3?
Understanding the significance of sin.
If we are intrinsically fallen and structurally flawed from the moment of our creation, then what hope is there that we will be any different in the future? There would be none. But Scripture denies this possibility because the problem of sin is moral, and not ontological, which means that we can become what we... Continue Reading
From Anne Hutchinson to Mariann Edgar Budde
American Anti-nomianism and its false Gospel.
It is unclear why Bishop Budde believes that appealing to Jesus carries any weight when she so openly rejects the authority of Scripture in both her doctrinal positions and her teachings on sexuality. Like Anne Hutchinson before her, she trusts her own intuitions as divinely guided, granting herself the authority to pick and choose which... Continue Reading
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