5 Reasons We Should Not Always Do What Feels Right
It is folly to trust in our own hearts or feelings.
From these verses and many others, we learn that it is folly to trust in our own hearts or feelings. If we’re honest, we don’t really know what is best for us. That’s why we need God’s Word to point us toward the right actions and attitudes that bring the most glory to God and... Continue Reading
That Your Joy May Be Full
A theology of happiness.
How does the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ bring these glad tidings to pass? “He made himself poor.” Without ceasing to be the eternally rich God by nature, the Son of God willingly assumed our poor humanity into personal union with himself in the virgin’s womb. Rich and happy in himself, he was happy... Continue Reading
What Is The Difference Between The “Active” And The “Passive” Obedience Of Christ?
Christ’s “passive obedience” and his “active obedience” both refer to the whole of Christ’s work.
Jesus’ so-called “passive” and “active” obedience were lifelong endeavors as he fulfilled the demands and suffered the penalties of God’s law, and both culminated in the cross. I would argue that the New Testament clearly teaches the lifelong passive obedience of Christ (his penalty-bearing work) and the lifelong active obedience of Christ (his will-of-God-obeying work), culminating in the... Continue Reading
Was Gnosticism Tolerant and Inclusive? Debunking Some Myths about “Alternative” Christianities
As F.F. Bruce famously quipped, “The Gnostic schools lost because they deserved to lose”
Popular perceptions are that the orthodox Christians oppressed women, but the Gnostics liberated them. But, again, the truth is not so simple. On the contrary, the historical evidence suggests that women flocked to traditional Christianity in droves. Indeed, they may have outnumbered the men almost two to one. Rodney Stark in his book The Triumph of... Continue Reading
Bleep! Why Christians Shouldn’t Cuss
We cherish the purpose for which God gave words.
Christians understand that an inability or unwillingness to take control of our language shows a lack of self-control or lack of graciousness toward others. Swearing shows that you are unconcerned about that which ought to concern Christians: edification, grace, humility, patience, self-control, evangelistic witness, being an example to children, integrity, and many other virtues that we... Continue Reading
Pastors & Churches: Don’t Celebrate Brokenness
We welcome brokenness, but we promote wholeness through confession of sins and struggles with others.
Be wise as you teach on brokenness. Admit that leaders are broken people who need grace. Confess we will battle brokenness until Christ returns or brings us home. But praise a greater aim than brokenness. If broken people is not your goal, quit celebrating it as a badge of honor. Acknowledge brokenness as a reality, not as a... Continue Reading
The Doctrine Of The Covenant Of Works Comes From Scripture
There are many who have no idea how or why the Reformed reached their conclusion that God made with Adam a covenant of works, which was finally fulfilled by Christ the Last Adam
This is a systematic belief but the Reformed were driven to it by Scripture. Grace is for sinners, not for the righteous. Adam was righteous before the fall but God was gracious to him after the fall. We all fell in Adam and he is gracious to his elect to justify, to sanctify, and to... Continue Reading
A Question of Torment: Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Again and again, God makes it very clear that he will keep and preserve every true believer.
Because God was the one who started the work of salvation and God would be the one who would complete it. This gives me an incredible amount of peace. If my final salvation were up to me, I wouldn’t make it. I’m sure of that. I’m no spiritual Superman or hero (to paraphrase Dave Matthews). Without... Continue Reading
The Gospel for Single Moms
It is the very fact that few single moms actually want to be single moms that highlights why the gospel is so sweet and necessary.
The result of the Fall of Man is that we all live in less than ideal circumstances. The great deception that Paul addresses in Galatians in particular is that we are tempted to start our Christian walk in dependence on God but try to continue it through out own ability to maintain ideal circumstances. Paul... Continue Reading
How Should We Understand “Her Desire” in Genesis 3:16b?
Tracking the metanarrative reveals that Genesis 3:16b points to “frustration” as the foundational longing that underpins “desire” as used to describe Post-Fall marriages.
“Desire” in Genesis 3:16b is not just the “battle of the sexes” as presented in the NLT. Desire is not the crutch for unwise counsel that often has been dispensed by pastors and counselors to otherwise victimized wives. Rather “desire” in Genesis 3:16b results from the frustration felt by the victim of an abusive relationship,... Continue Reading