Three Disciplines of a Happy Christian Leader
Learning From the Theologian of Joy
I learned at least three methods for maintaining joy in God that Edwards practiced in his own life amid the relentless trials and strains of pastoral ministry. Although most Christians are already familiar with these methods, I discovered that studying the writings of a pastor-theologian from a different historical context opened my eyes for seeing... Continue Reading
Life in the Spirit Isn’t Just ‘Doing’ Differently, But ‘Being’ Different
If nagging worked, it wouldn’t be called nagging!
Behavior modification versus heart change is exactly the kind of dynamic at play in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, especially when he gets to the bit on the fruit of the Spirit in chapter 5. In this session, we’re going to see his teaching on grace, works, and personal transformation to obedience in the light... Continue Reading
Sexual Sin Isn’t Only Wrong, It’s Just Plain Stupid
Regardless of how much we rationalize that we can get away with sin, its consequences are inescapable.
Proverbs is a book written by a wise father for his son. It reminds us that we need to not only tell our children and ourselves and our friends to obey God because it’s right, but also because it’s SMART. Sin is never in our bests interests. After hearing about several recent cases of sexual immorality... Continue Reading
Good Lovemaking Is About God
Sex was not always filled with flames of passion — but that’s not all sex is intended to be.
God created sex to be a bond between a husband and wife that strengthens over time. Married couples make love on their honeymoon and after a miscarriage. They make love to conceive children and after they bury them. They make love when bodies are healthy and during battles against cancer. As a husband and wife pursue each other through... Continue Reading
The Old Man Crucified: Free to Struggle
Should we be trying to prove our worth to God or are we free to live how ever we want because “grace”?
When I was in college, our RUF pastor used to ask us, “Are you struggling to be free, or are you free to struggle?” His point was that until we come to faith in Christ we will struggle and fight an impossible battle to make ourselves right with God. We will struggle to be free... Continue Reading
When the Spiritual Gift of Discernment Turns Sour
Every good gift God gives us can easily be abused.
Too often, people think they have the gift of discernment when in fact they have a critical, fault-finding, cynical, and negative spirit. They think they have the gift of discernment when they’re actually sinning! One of the spiritual gifts God gives the Church is discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10). The Church needs people who are... Continue Reading
Embracing God’s Sovereignty in Salvation and Our Role as His Heralds
God has called us to express that we belong to Him by faithfully stewarding what He has entrusted to us.
When we think of God’s sovereignty, we think of God’s “control,” “determination,” “predestination.” But we should also think of God’s “mine.” “Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine,” He declared to Job (Job 41:11). As the sovereign Lord, He has the right to do what He will with the things that are His. Those things... Continue Reading
The Old Man Crucified: The Basics
What is the old man crucified? The old man crucified is when the individual has moved from being “in Adam” to being “in Christ.”
The life of the believer in Jesus Christ is not a mix of “old man”/”new man.” Our position in the Lord is not schizophrenic. Of course, we still have the remnant of sin as long as we live in our mortal bodies. We battle the flesh’s desires that wages war in us (1 Peter 2:11).... Continue Reading
The Christian Life as Death and Resurrection
The New Testament makes clear that no one can belong to Christ who does not give himself fully as a sacrifice to him.
Yet Paul’s command also includes not being conformed to the world in its “morality.” Many are motivated to be “nice” or to be a “good person” because of its benefits in this life—to be liked, to gain the accolades of man, to be popular and ultimately to be successful. Some even attempt to be good... Continue Reading
The Least Mentioned Sin?
From the catalogue of sins and injustices we hear about in our day, bribery is almost entirely absent.
Do I gravitate toward and surround myself with those whom I believe will help my own cause and build my own kingdom, or do I seek to love and care for those in God’s Kingdom who bring me no personal advancement or gain? Do my private dealings reveal a heart of justice? If they were... Continue Reading