What Does It Mean to Call God “Father?”
The first Jewish rabbi to call God “Father” directly was Jesus of Nazareth. It was a radical departure from tradition, and in fact, in every recorded prayer we have from the lips of Jesus save one, He calls God “Father.”
He has given to us the right and privilege to come into the presence of the majesty of God and address Him as Father because indeed He is our Father. He has adopted us into His family and made us coheirs with His only begotten Son. One of the most well-known statements of the... Continue Reading
The Bright Side of Futility
Perhaps our sense of futility is simply one more manifestation that God has indeed made us for himself, and that our hearts are restless until they rest in him.
Our sense of futility itself, like our belief in error, evil, and emptiness, testifies to some notion of utility or purpose or meaning that we desire and yet sometimes lack. futility: (n) the quality or state of being futile; uselessness or pointlessness All of us, on occasion or often, have felt a sense of... Continue Reading
Why Parents Are in Court Over Online “Portal” Where Students Anonymously Accuse Each Other
The “so-called bias incident response system” is in direct violation of Americans’ free speech rights.
The Loudoun County school system has become a prominent example of how critical race theory, so-called anti-racism, and what many parents consider a radical transgender agenda are taking hold in public schools across the nation. Parents in an affluent Virginia county are speaking out against their school system’s online “portal” that allows students to anonymously report... Continue Reading
World on Fire
While technology may create the conditions, the spark that sets the world on fire is...us.
Technology has created a combustible environment, sure. It has made it easier for us to be terrible to each other. And that is something to mourn and resist (many tech-experts will tell you that was done on purpose). But what James holds up in front of us is this: the desire to be terrible in... Continue Reading
Notable Christians: A.W. Pink
Today he is a household name among evangelicals and those in Reformed circles.
He had many doubts about his work and his effectiveness, often wondering if he was being all that he could be for Christ. Yet he persevered and stuck to it, believing that his writing ministry – no matter how small of an outreach – was his divine calling, especially in his later years. We should... Continue Reading
You Are Called to Suffer with Christ
Jesus predicted that all who follow him will suffer.
Suffering is common to all human beings; however, its expectation is more sure for Christians, due to our union with the suffering Savior. Though he now sits at God’s right hand, our victorious, risen and ascended Savior still has his scars. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you,... Continue Reading
We Must Live With This: Anathema
Some do not have any love for Christ because they love everything else.
Whatever the status of the malignancy of the heart, there is no hope for those who don’t love the Lord until and unless they have a change of heart. They must love what they do not love now. Let anyone who has no love for the Lord be accursed. (1 Cor 16:22, NET) This... Continue Reading