An Anchor for Our Tongues
We need an eternal source with which we can compare our definitions of a word and tweak, turn, or gut accordingly.
Preachers and authors, let’s make sure we ground our definitions in the only inspired source of eternal meaning we have, God’s word. This could often be as simple as an extra sentence or two. “The definition we just read fits well with how the Bible uses this term, as we see illustrated in this passage... Continue Reading
Objecting with Love
We must honor and obey Christ in whatever we do, so however we decide to act in the situation, it must honor and obey Christ.
Christians in nearly any context will have to biblically object to these culturally expected policies and practices. No matter the situation, we must start with the authority of Scripture, explain why we cannot acquiesce from what is clearly taught in Scripture, lay out how we will disobey the policy only enough to avoid sinning while... Continue Reading
Instead of Resolving, Pray
The Pattern Jesus Gave
Jesus taught us to conclude the Lord’s Prayer proclaiming God’s eternal kingdom, power, and glory. This reminds us that God is sovereign and hears our prayers. Resolve in 2023 to pray with confidence, a confidence that isn’t rooted in your ability or worth but in God’s great power and love. So, if resolutions help you, make... Continue Reading
The Pleasure of God in Ordinary Work
Where could we go to see what God sees in our work?
The God of the universe genuinely enjoys the universe he’s made — the one we get to live and work in every day, the one he designed as a gift for his Son (Hebrews 1:2). He rejoices to see what normal humans can do in a day — and all the more so when that... Continue Reading
Hebrew Roots Movement, Part 3
HRM twists Scripture to fit its grid, even while they accuse the church of doing so.
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything. If one accepts circumcision, then he is obligated to keep the entire law. This is the state of having fallen away from grace (towards works!). This is being severed from Christ. This is one of the main reasons I call the HRM heresy: it is the exact same... Continue Reading
He Is (Still) There, and He Is Not Silent
Francis Schaeffer’s Classic Defense of Christian Truth Turns 50
Schaeffer understood that the modern spiritual crisis is an intellectual crisis, and that the intellectual crisis is a spiritual crisis. At the center of this crisis is a denial of God, and that denial of God produces an intellectual crisis that quickly translates into a cultural and moral catastrophe. The one central point that Schaeffer... Continue Reading
Obedience Now, Not Next Week
When we obey God we stand to gain more than we can imagine.
There are all kinds of ways we try to rationalise our delay in obedience. But God wants us to stop trying to reduce the costs, and instead to trust that “the LORD is able to give you much more than this” (2 Chr 25:9). God calls for obedience now, not next week. It’s very common to... Continue Reading
4 Ways to Respond When Christians Hurt You
When a professing believer hurts our feelings or reputation, how should we respond?
In the house of God, Christians must learn to remember the identity of their brothers and sisters, humbly pray for their brothers and sisters, lovingly cover the sin of their brothers and sisters, and privately confront their brothers and sisters. As we do, we will see God’s grace healing and sustaining our relationships in ways that the world will... Continue Reading
Pomponio Algerio and His Resolute Faith
With clear conscience, he replied frankly to the bishops’ questions. He admitted he didn’t recognize the authority of the pope, since Christ is the only head of the true church.
In 2008, the University of Padova erected a memorial plaque in Algerio’s honor, remembering how he was arrested and executed “for his religious beliefs, which he inflexibly defended” and how he “faced the stake with exceptional composure and courage.” Most tourists to Rome stop by Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers, in... Continue Reading
The Path to Personal Integrity from First Command to Tenth
If we are not supposed to be led astray by rivalry or boasting over others, how much more is it wrong and perverse to be consumed by envy and resentment?
If we trust God, then we can be confident that our problems are tests meant for us and that God is providing what we need. We can serve Him and help others without being distracted by perceived inequality. God establishes our place and allows us to develop personal integrity. Ultimately, the prohibition on covetousness means... Continue Reading
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