Trojan Horse Christians
As much as we try to see the snares laid out for us, there is often someone more clever than us trying to trap us.
Though we may deceive ourselves and those around us, God will not be mocked. We may have avoided a few traps, but we have jumped right into the most damning trap of them all, and there is only one way of escape. If the Greeks had delivered their gift to the people of Troy and said, “This is... Continue Reading
The “Leading” of the Spirit
There is everything right about wanting to experience more of the power and working of the Holy Spirit, provided we rightly understand the biblical teaching concerning the same..
God is committed to conforming His children into holy sons and daughters. In order to do this, He gives us His Spirit to lead us to mortify sin. The leading of the Spirit then is not a special mystical experience reserved for the few, but a present reality for all true believers in Jesus Christ. ... Continue Reading
Is Nation Building Possible?
Attempting to rebuild essential cultural and institutional elements of another country rarely goes well.
Every society, however, is built on and around ideas, many of which are so deeply ingrained, either by history or religion or both, that they go unspoken. Changing them is not impossible, but it is also not easy. How did things in Afghanistan change so dramatically, seemingly overnight? How did a decades-long, frustrating stalemate become... Continue Reading
Are Mental Images of God Unavoidable?
By nature, our first instinct is to fashion gods for ourselves with our hands or in our hearts and minds.
The [Westminster] Divines confessed that inward images are forbidden: they are the root of the external images that are obviously forbidden. The rejection of internal images is a good and necessary consequence of the rejection of external images. The god we fashion in our hearts and minds are just as idolatrous as icons of the... Continue Reading
Living in Time
Rest is about realising that we are not God and cannot carry on without stopping.
To keep the sabbath, or the Lord’s Day, will require that we fence some things, and decide that we don’t do this or that on the day of rest. This is why wise societies often have Sunday trading laws, for instance. But, even saying that, for Christians the Sabbath is not a law but an... Continue Reading
On the Conversion of Children
How should the church respond to the mounting pressure being applied to our children?
Do not let the world around you move you off of the unshakable promises that God has made to his church. Pray for the next generation. Pray that God would convert our children. Several months ago the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus provoked the ire of many with their controversial song, “We’ll Convert Your Children.” You... Continue Reading
Judging the Sins of Our Fathers
We must not judge apart from consideration of our own complicity in the exploitation and evils of today’s globalized economy.
The slavery of colonial and antebellum America was tragic but there is nothing we can do to change that history. The present is a different matter. That is our responsibility. No amount of indignant finger-pointing at the world of three hundred years ago will cleanse us of our present-day complicity. Winston Churchill famously quipped... Continue Reading
Reductionism: The Disease that Breeds Conflict
Reductionism hurts people because it flattens them.
Reductionism is killing us because it’s killing our conversations. It’s killing open, receptive dialogue. It’s polarizing the nation, even the world. For our part, we have to start identifying and assaulting reductionism whenever it crops up in our conversations. I hate conflict. And it’s not just a hatred that festers into frustration; it has... Continue Reading
What Are Friends For?
We have lost the gift and glory of friendship.
Let us pursue this grand and glorious gift of friendship that the Lord gives us. Let us rejoice in our friendship with the King of kings. C.S. Lewis says it well, “Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a fire?” The King’s Speech won the 2010 Academy Award... Continue Reading
The Typical–Spiritual Exodus
The people of God have the greater exodus through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
The exodus of Israel from Egypt is to remind us of the anti-typical exodus that Jesus has already accomplished through His death and resurrection. What all mankind needs more than anything is to experience the true exodus from Satan, sin, and death. The exodus is the great redemptive act of the Old Testament. There... Continue Reading
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