There’s one subject now facing the PCA that, more than any other, needs to be discussed in an open and honest forum. Link to ballot to determine which one is here. You most vote on or before February 12.
The 2010 PCA Strategic Plan, passed by the 38th General Assembly (GA), calls for “public forums at GA to test new ideas without vote, offering charitable judgments among elders in the fellowship of ministry.”
Over the past several months, a number of topics had been suggested. The Cooperative Ministries Committee, as specified in the Plan, has pared the list to five, which will now be put to a vote. The finalists are:
1. Biblical inerrancy in the 21st Century.
2. Effectively reaching the next generation with the Gospel.
3. How the PCA and PCA people may effectively and appropriately communicate with, relate to, and cooperate with fellow Reformed believers, Evangelicals, and other faith communities.
4. How may the PCA Administrative Committee be adequately funded in accordance with denominational polity.
5. Prophetic Advice to Civil Government from Ecclesiastical Courts. Christians and Politics
Such forums are needed, the Plan states, “…to advance the PCA’s faithfulness to biblical belief, ministry, and mission.” What’s more, they need to take place in an environment where elders can safely express ideas and ask difficult questions.
Read more and cast your ballot here:
[Editor’s note: the original URL (link) referenced in this article is no longer valid, so the link has been removed.]
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