The Bible teaches that humans’ main problem is that they are separated from God because of sin. Yes, the Bible commands Christians to feed the hungry, but having a full belly doesn’t repair the broken relationship with God. The heretical social gospel is damning people to hell.
The Apostle Paul warned the young pastor Timothy that a “time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Time and time again, Paul’s divinely inspired statement has been proven true during the intervening two millennia. The twenty-first century is no exception. Below are four of the most treacherous teachings tickling the ears of professing Christians who do “not endure sound teaching.” Sadly, there are many more than four, but this list represents a cross-section of the most prevalent and damnable heresies perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.
Universalism. According to those who subscribe to universalism, all humans will one day be reconciled to God. Violating the Bible’s teaching on eternal punishment, the nature of God’s justice, and salvation, to name three, universalists deny that God will condemn humans who rebel against Him to hell. Instead, they say God will extend grace and mercy to all humans and will welcome all into His eternal Kingdom. All of that blatantly contradicts the Bible.
The basic story of the Bible is simple: God made everything and humans rebelled against God. While pronouncing curses/judgment on the earth because of sin, God graciously promised to send a redeemer. Jesus took on the form of human flesh, lived a life of perfect obedience, died as the punishment for the sins of his people, and then rose from the dead. Currently sitting at the right hand of God the Father, Jesus will one day return to reward those who placed their faith in him. Those who refuse to bow the knee in faith before Jesus will hear him say, “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41).
Space doesn’t permit a complete theologically based dismantling of universalism. Many verse could be listed that detail God’s coming wrath directed at unrepentant sinners. Read the Psalms; you won’t get far before coming across God’s coming judgment on sinners. Universalism is a heretical teaching that has unfortunately captivated people who worship the idol of inclusivity at the expense of the Bible’s clear teaching that citizenship in the Kingdom of God is exclusively reserved for those who place their faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Social Gospel. The social gospel encourages Christians to abandon mission work that has the salvation of individuals as the main objective and, instead, focus on repairing the world by engaging in social justice work. By doing so, according to the social gospel, Christians will accomplish the salvation of the world by demonstrating the love of God and redeeming the culture.
Red Letter Christianity
The Prosperity Gospel
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