You cannot correct the wrong doctrines of your heroes or admit when they’re wrong. “The Scriptures alone” is a mantra you don’t heed. After all, you cannot “bite the hand that feeds.” Correcting other celebrity Christians in your theological camp will hurt your celebrity status.
In blogdom, writing, and pastoral ministry in general, there is a temptation to pursue being popular; to pursue being a celebrity. Yet, in order to follow Christ, we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him (Matt. 16:24). This includes denying our desire to be popular, our desire to be celebrities.
Are you a celebrity Christian wannabe?
You might be a celebrity Christian wannabe If…
1. You’d rather minister to strangers on the Internet than those in the hospital, nursing home, shut-ins, or orphans. These people cannot do anything to increase your celebrity status.
2. You’re jealous when other godly voices are heard and heeded above your own. God’s glory is no longer your goal, for your voice must be heard.
3. You frequently link to other Celebrity Christians in hope that they’ll notice you, and return the favor. Thus, you rarely link to the articles of anyone who isn’t a celebrity Christian.
4. You’re no longer corrected or taught by your local pastor(s), Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and other Christians. You’re the celebrity, they’re not; they should learn from you. Yet, if God’s word is true and authoritative, any Christian who teaches it accurately will do.
5. You’d never take a ministry position that limited or decreased your popularity.
6. You cannot correct the wrong doctrines of your heroes or admit when they’re wrong. “The Scriptures alone” is a mantra you don’t heed. After all, you cannot “bite the hand that feeds.” Correcting other celebrity Christians in your theological camp will hurt your celebrity status.
7. Before helping another pastor, writer, etc., you ask, “What’s in it for me,” instead of “How can I love God and my neighbor?” For the sake of your own celebrity status, you must help those who can help you.
8. You’re not willing to be unknown. Knowing and loving God is not enough for your Christian life. You must be popular, and you’re willing to sin to reach your goal.
9. You care more about shares than prayer. You’re addicted to social media and your status there, which encourages you to have a poor prayer-life, among other sins.
10. You’re a Christian pastor, author, blogger, writer, teacher, etc.
Jared Moore is pastor of New Salem Baptist Church in Hustonville, KY. This article first appeared on his blog and is used with his permission.
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