“You have two overwhelming emotions,” Jesus was saying, “but as you’ve come into My presence, one can be shed like a heavy coat on a warm day. You no longer need fear … just joy.” Their fear was gone, as it always is when we encounter His near presence. When we are in the presence of pure love, His perfect love casts out all fear (see 1 John 4:18).
So, departing quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to tell his disciples the news. Just then Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” They came up, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus told them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to leave for Galilee, and they will see me there. (Matthew 28:8-10 CSB)
In His presence is fullness of joy. (Psalms 16:11)
Imagine all that the followers of Jesus felt after His crucifixion. All hope was gone. They had left everything to follow Him, placing every ounce of their faith in Him and His coming kingdom. All that was crushed as their King seemed helpless before godless men. He, who they thought was the Son of God, died a horrific death.
Fear gripped them, for as His followers, they rightfully assumed they would be the next to be rounded up by the Pharisees and turned over to the Romans. Everything looked completely dark.
But the Tomb
We don’t know why Mary Magdalene and Mary went to the tomb. But they could not stay away, drawn there by God’s hand. But when they came, they were not met with darkness but blinding light. A brilliant angel was waiting just for them on the massive stone (rolled aside now) at the entrance of the empty tomb.
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