“In response to our common belief that God’s grace and love is available to all persons, the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church states our belief that the United Methodist Church is in error on the subject of ’homosexuality’s incompatibility with Christian teaching,’”
The United Methodist Judicial Council is set to decide on whether resolutions passed at regional conferences regarding the homosexual lifestyle are permissible according to church doctrine or are a violation of the denomination’s rules.
Specifically, the council will decide whether churches within the denomination may support homosexual causes, whether ministers can officiate same-sex ceremonies, and whether regional conferences can urge members to avoid church law regarding homosexuality.
The United Methodist Book of Discipline outlines that “the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching” and that “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” may not be ordained as ministers in the denomination. It also forbids ministers from hosting or participating in “ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions.”
However, during a number of regional conferences, resolutions have been passed that challenge the doctrine in the Book of Discipline. Last year, a number of conference attendees expressed support for a declaration entitled the “Statement of Gospel Obedience,” which asserts that the United Methodist Book of Discipline is wrong to denounce homosexual behavior.
“In response to our common belief that God’s grace and love is available to all persons, the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church states our belief that the United Methodist Church is in error on the subject of ’homosexuality’s incompatibility with Christian teaching,’” the document reads.
“We commend to our bishops, clergy, local churches and ministry settings, the challenge to operate as if the statement … does not exist, creating a church where all people are truly welcome,” it continues. “The secretary of the Western Jurisdictional Conference will submit this statement of Gospel Obedience to the Jurisdictional College of Bishops, each Annual Conference, and chairpersons of Boards of Ordained Ministry for discussion and implementation.”
Reporter Katherine Burgess notes that over 1,500 ministers in the United Methodist denomination and at least four members of the clergy are on “trial” for officiating at same-sex weddings contrary to Biblical doctrine.
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