Jan 16 and 23, 2010
Make plans now to attend one of two Christian Education Ministries’ training sessions for local church officers. On Jan 16, at the First Presbyterian Church, Lakes Wales, FL., Dr. Mark Ross, professor of Systematic Theology at Erskine Theological Seminary will focus on the role of elders to admit people into the membership of the church, dismiss people from the membership of the church and church discipline.
A second session will be held on Jan. 23, at the Independent Presbyterian Church of Memphis, TN. Dr. Ross will speak during the morning session on the role of elders and in the afternoon on the responsibilities of deacons.
CEM encourages all ARP churches in the Florida and Tennessee/Mississippi areas where the sessions are held to pay for their officers to attend. “Whether you are an active or inactive elder or deacon, or whether you believe you are called to serve as an elder or deacon in the future, we encourage you to participate in these events,” said CEM Events Director Greg Hamer.
“It is the goal of CEM to provide continuous officer training for the entire Synod. We hope to bring you future seminars on the importance of the ministry of the Word, counseling and outreach. Please reserve the date now and begin to publicize this day with your elders and deacons,” Hamer said.
Registration is $20 per person for 10 or more before Jan. 12. Registration for less than 10 is $25 per person. For more information or to register, contact Greg Hamer at 864-232-8297, ext. 234 or email [email protected].
[Editor’s note: the original URL (link) referenced in this article is no longer valid, so the link has been removed.]
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