In keeping with the journalistic tradition of looking back at the recent past, we present the top 50 stories of the year read on The Aquila Report. That’s easy for us to determine – we just count the hits! We will present the 50 stories in groups of 10 to run and the five lists on consecutive days. Here are numbers 1-10.
In 2014 The Aquila Report posted over 3,300 stories. At the end of each year we feature the top 50 stories that were read. The top story this year had over 11,200 hits.
We average 9 new stories each day, with a variety of subjects – all of which we trust are of interest to the readers of The Aquila Report. As a web magazine we are an aggregator of news and information that we believe will provide articles that will inform the church of current trends and movements within the church and culture.
In keeping with the journalistic tradition of looking back at the recent past, we present the top 50 stories of the year. That’s easy for us to determine – we just count the hits! We will present the 50 stories in groups of 10 to run and the five lists on consecutive days. Here are numbers 1-10.
“It is with the most profound sadness imaginable, we wanted to let you know that the body of our beloved father, spouse and grandfather – Kent Torrey Hinkson was found late last night,” the family said on a website dedicated to searching for him.
After quoting the third commandment (prohibiting taking God’s name in vain), he argues that because we have identified ourselves with Christ, that to say “I am” and to be insecure and to doubt ourselves is a violation of the third commandment. Let me repeat, he is claiming that by doubting ourselves, we are violating a commandment against taking God’s name in vain. Thus, to take our own name in vain is equivalent to taking God’s name in vain.
There were many other bizarre, unbiblical aspects in the preview cut. Though it’s possible that some of these elements may not make the final cut (though we suspect most will), compare the above list to the trailer that has just been released! The comparison should be very revealing for you. You wouldn’t get much of a hint of most of the biblical problems in the list above based on watching on this cleverly-put-together trailer.
From Mark’s blog of April 5, 2014: I’ve been meditating on heaven a lot lately, and I must say, it wells my eyes with tears of joy every now and then. What a beautiful thought that one day, I will be completely in the presence of God and will actually be able to feel the magnitude of all his love and peace with no earthly fears or worries to distract me. The joy that I feel now, the serenity I feel now, will finally be made perfect.
It is my joy to baptize the children of believers and to see those children treated, not as little strangers until they make their profession of faith, but as members of the family of God. As such they are instructed in the full width of Bible truth and in the catechism of the church. It is the most wonderful privilege to see those children come to the point where they want to express their faith publicly and be admitted to the Lord’s Table.
The Montreat College Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 to consider the future of the College. As the article below reports, many alumni and supporters urged the Board to keep Montreat College in North Carolina and to continue its educational mission. After the meeting the Board issued a statement.
The Bible affirms the importance of human relationship and provides wise guidance onhow to we can be healthy and happy people here and in eternity. God as our creator madeus as we are, knows what is best for us under all circumstances, and made the guidelinesclear in his Word. He also knows what will wreck our lives and bring destruction of body,soul and society.
Of all the arguments in favor of same-sex behavior, the cultural distance argument is the most foundational and the most common (at least among those for whom biblical authority is still important). Although the Mosaic Law and Paul’s letter to the Romans and the vice lists of the New Testament speak uniformly against same-sex behavior, these texts (it is said) were addressing a different kind of same-sex behavior. The ancient world had no concept of sexual orientation, no understanding of egalitarian, loving, committed, monogamous, covenantal same-sex unions.
Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.” This passage is abused among the haters of Christianity. It’s not used to teach us to guard against being hypocritical, as Jesus intended it to be used, but used to silence anyone who would espouse any godly standard above that of being a dog. Jesus isn’t giving a blanket statement for not judging, but given a lesson on how to judge rightly.
In order to safeguard the integrity of our congregation and maintain the kind of true biblical accountability and connectionalism prescribed in the New Testament, the session of Providence Presbyterian Church has decided to prayerfully begin the process of investigating other denominations to determine if we should affiliate with them. The session believes that this search should be conducted without haste and with due diligence and care.
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