As Jesus did with the rich man (v. 18), he now makes clear to his disciples that, left to ourselves, ‘this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God’ (v. 27). God’s kingdom completely upends the economy of this world. And the shameful death of Jesus on the cross is its perfect expression (for e.g. Mk 8:31–38; 10:35–45). As Jesus goes on to say to them, ‘many who are first will be last, and the last first’ (Mk 10:31).
Mark 10:22 offers a surprising explanation for a rich man’s grief: ‘[T]he man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth’ (Mk 10:22). Not, he went away sad because he lost his forever home in a fire. Not, he went away sad because he lost his wealth in a stock market crash. Rather, he went away sad because he had great wealth.
How could this be? This is not the great Australian dream! Rich men and women are not sad, are they? I’ve seen them: their families are shiny, happy, healthy and beautiful.
In his Gospel, Matthew tells us this man is young (Matt 19:22) and in his, Luke says he is a ruler (Lk 18:18). Yet he is wise enough to know that his life is incomplete and he goes to the right person to complete it: ‘he fell on his knees before Jesus. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mk 10:17).
Jesus Meets a Rich Young Ruler
The rich young ruler’s question implies that there must be something he can achieve to inherit eternal life. He’s used to achieving things in his own strength. But Jesus knows what is going on in the heart of this rich man: ‘Why do you call me good? … No one is good—except God alone’ (Mk 10:18).
The rich man sees Jesus as (merely) a good teacher who can help him to be good. But Jesus declares that no one is good; no one is like God. No one can earn the right to be one of God’s children, enter God’s kingdom or inherit eternal life.[1] Just like the little children in the previous scene in Mark’s Gospel, we have no claim on God (Mk 10:13–16). We can only acknowledge our moral inability before him, and throw ourselves upon his mercy.
Jesus invites the young man to consider the second half of the Ten Commandments, regarding love of neighbour (Mk 10:19 cf. Mk 12:29–31). To this the man boldly replies that he has kept them all from his youth (v. 20). The reader might be understandably sceptical: can this rich young ruler honestly claim to have perfectly loved all his neighbours?
But Jesus understands what is really going on. He refuses to leave the man at ‘good enough’. In love, Jesus uncovers his true self, thus revealing his true need:
Jesus looked at him and loved him. ‘One thing you lack,’ he said. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ (Mark 10:21)
And then those sad, sad words: ‘At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth’ (v. 22).
We Are Far Too Easily Pleased
Here was his chance to truly love God (follow Jesus) and his neighbour (give his wealth to the poor). But he couldn’t and wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t believe that Jesus’ promise of treasure in heaven could be better than the treasure he was accumulating on earth.
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