Soon, this frustration of having to perform Christianly and keep up the pretense of loving and loyally following Jesus will be overwhelming. Frustration grows quickly into an uncontainable force. Like a shaken up bottle of soda it needs relief; they can no longer live with the dichotomy between head and heart. Soon, you give way to your heart and relieve your mind of the frustration of the contradiction and simply walk away.
When someone walks away from the faith it sends seismic ripples throughout the church. Somewhere amid the shock and emotions, we realize that we saw alarming signs but didn’t think they would materialize. I personally have seen this happen far too many times. In each case however, the steps, the path is strikingly similar.
So, how does it happen? Let me walk you down the road to apostasy. This is intended to illuminate this dark and often camouflaged path.
First let me give you a bottom line proposition: The road to apostasy is paved by bricks of apathy towards Christ. If you want to persevere, then give attention to your affections. This is a summary. Let’s work it out.
1. Neglect. When someone is routinely neglecting the common means of grace you can be sure that there will be spiritual consequences. Just as an unhealthy diet will effect the body so too negligence of spiritual food will adversely effect the spiritual life. Here I mean the neglecting of the Word of God (personal Bible reading), Prayer, Meditation, Worship Gathering, and Community Life (discipleship). This withdrawal may seem simple and harmless but it is an active disconnect.
2. Indifference. Specifically this is indifference to glory of Christ and his word. Suddenly, Jesus isn’t so impressive. He becomes routine. His glory is no longer bedazzling, it becomes common. Instead of longing for heaven an indifferent heart becomes more content with this world. Sin is not wept over because of how it intersects with the glory of Christ; it may even be laughed at during movies.
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