Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You return man to dust and say, “Return, O children of man!” For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night. (Ps. 90:1-4)
There is nothing I enjoy more than hiking in the mountains. I love being surrounded by towering trees, the musty smell of leaves under my feet, the sound of creatures scurrying in the brush. I enjoy the labor of a hike and the reward of an amazing view—the panorama of craggy mountain peaks and the sweeping valley below. It’s quiet and majestic. God’s handiwork on display.
We recently took a trip to Washington to see the mountains outside of Seattle. The iconic view of the mountains surrounding the city was blocked because of smoke from fires in the north. As we drove farther out of the city and into the mountains, we started to see the peaks rise before us. We hiked beautiful trails blanketed with wild flowers. One section of the trail had a magnificent view of Mount Rainier. We marveled at its snow-capped peak, knowing that what we saw would have been even more amazing had there not been a smoky haze in the sky.
Such experiences in creation remind us of an important truth: we are small.
We are small.
In our daily lives as humans, it’s easy to think that we are bigger than we are, that we rule our own kingdoms. The power of man seems invincible. We walk among the Babels our world has created—every day knocking down the old to build the new and better—and often marvel at their immensity. We develop amazing technology at a rapid pace, and we can’t even lift our heads to look at creation around us. Humanity boasts of its discoveries, theories, and systems and calls others to bow down in worship to those accomplishments.
With each check mark scratched on our daily lists, we can feel successful and accomplished. Some even look down on those who don’t measure up or keep the pace or who aren’t as “enlightened” as they are. Every day we read accounts in the news of some new development or invention, some even going so far as to play the role of God in the lives of others.
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