America is no longer a melting pot. It is a boiling pot. When America was Christian, other Christians were invited to become a part of our nation. Other religions were tolerated as long as they conformed to our Christian laws. America has been religiously Balkanized. The fight for dominance is on.
- Everyone is religious. The ultimate source of truth in every man’s life is his own god. Religion is the manifestation in the life of every man of his commitment to his own god. The Bible is the ultimate source of truth for evangelical Christianity. Islam finds its source of truth in the Koran. Man himself is the ultimate source of truth for Humanism. Atheists find their source of truth in their own denial of the existence of god. Christian conversion is a change of gods and therefore a change of religions.
- Civil government is religious. The source of law in any government is the religion of the law-makers in the body-politic. Christianity once was the source of law in America. The religion of America has changed. Abortion was once a crime. Now it is legal. Homosexuality was once a sin. Now it is a right granted by the New Religion of the body-politic.
- Politics is religious. Politics is the system where men struggle for the power to make the laws of the body-politic to govern themselves and to govern others according to their own religion.
- The Church is political. The Church is separate from the State, but both the Church and State are religious. As the Church speaks religiously, it speaks to that particular religion of politics that governs the body-politic. When Christianity was the religion of America, the church supported the religion of the old politics. There was peace between Christianity and politics. There was tax-exempt status. Now that Christianity is not the religion of America, there is no peace between the Church and politics. Tax-exempt status will be taken away from the Church.
- Neutrality in politics is a myth. The Church is religious and the body-politic is religious. Either they will be friends or they will be foes. Christ said the he who is not for me is against me. The Church cannot be neutral in the realm of politics. The Church cannot deny the law of God as regulative for the body-politic. Rule by natural law is just rule by another religion. The rule of law by any other religion is paganism.
- Pluralism is a myth. Different religions cannot co-exist in the same body-politic. Men will not be satisfied until their own god is the source of law in the body politic. Christianity has enjoyed this position in America, but not any longer. All false religions must be rooted out or relegated to a place where they cannot influence the body-politic. This happens incrementally. It first appears in the name of toleration and love. It comes under the guise of freedom. The devil sows his seed while men sleep.
- America is no longer a melting pot. It is a boiling pot. When America was Christian, other Christians were invited to become a part of our nation. Other religions were tolerated as long as they conformed to our Christian laws. America has been religiously Balkanized. The fight for dominance is on.
- Most modern politicians cannot be trusted. Modern politicians like Clinton and Obama change religions capriciously. Recently, both were against homosexual marriage and now both support homosexual marriage. Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Obama campaigned against homosexual marriage. This is evidence of yet another religion – a chameleon religion willing to adopt whatever religion that will enhance their power, their influence, and their admiration.
- The Modern Church is existential. We are so consumed with ourselves and our programs that we are unaware that our children and our grandchildren will have to live in a world much unlike our world. The world of the New Religion will not be friendly to them and to their Christian Faith. Employment opportunities may be lost. They may be persecuted economically. We need to prepare them for this.
- It appears too late to halt the hubris of the New Religion. It now controls the Supreme Court of the United States. The majority of the Court has adopted the New Religion. Our only hope is that righteous men will get on their knees and intercede for mercy from the only true and living God.
Larry E. Ball is a Honorably Retired Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and a CPA. He lives in Kingsport, Tennessee
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