ARP Professors exchange blogs on creation issue in the denomination: VanDoodewaard comments on Evans
How the ARP Synod will respond to the Mississippi Valley memorial remains to be seen, but to me it is clearly worded, says what needs to be said, and is something that as stated pretty much everyone should be able to in good conscience agree upon. I trust the Lord will give wisdom, love and faithfulness, in this important discussion and decision.
ARP Professors exchange blogs on creation issue in the denomination: Evans responds to VanDoodewaard
I am an old-earth, special creation of Adam and Eve guy, and I am genuinely uncomfortable with macro-evolutionary explanations of human origins.
PCA’S Standing Judicial Commission has spoken; No officer or teacher may hold to Theistic Evolution – by Don K. Clements
“Holding the view of beginnings expressed in ‘theistic evolution’ is contrary to the fundamentals of our system of doctrine taught in the Word of God and our standards. Such a view destroys the basis of such doctrines as the doctrines of sin, of marriage, of salvation, of covenants, and others. Therefore such a view cannot be allowed as an exception. Anyone holding such a view must be disqualified from teaching and/or ordination in the church.” --Decision of New River Presbytery upheld by the SJC.
Proposed Seminar on Creation and Science at 2012 PCA General Assembly Stirs Debate – by Dominic Aquila
The concerns raised about the seminar are based on what appear to be inferences that Old Earth Creationism has more scientific evidence and credibility than Young Earth Creationism.