What I Learned in Japan
'Take Away' lessons from the mission field to use at home.
For 14 years she shared the gospel, but with little response. But following a family crisis, Mrs. M and her family began to seek for true comfort and to learn of Christ: following an extensive instruction class with the pastor, they made profession and received baptism last November. This is but one of many examples of faithfulness and perseverance in the long-haul by which the church in Japan testifies to the need to wait upon the Lord to produce his fruit in his season.
Why Does Africa Remain Broken?
COMMENTARY–Africa has received more foreign aid than any continent in history. Yet, by almost any reasonable measure, Africa remains badly broken. Its people live lives that are brutish and short when compared to the rest of the world. And as one who is a practicing Christian, who has been involved in Christian ministry in Africa,... Continue Reading
More on ‘Missional’
Editor’s note: The following is a response to some who thought the assertions were overstated in the article, “Is ‘Missional’ the Best Word to Use?” I don’t believe they were, in fact, I was quite restrained in pointing out missional’s history, its theological system, and its implications/applications. Missional is not just a single word defined... Continue Reading