The Healthcare Reform Fiasco
Barack Obama ran a brilliant campaign for president. Unfortunately for him, that strategic brilliance did not carry over to his campaign for healthcare reform. His push for greater government control of healthcare has struck a majority of Americans as radical, arrogant, and not so subtly lethal. Obama is backtracking, trying to salvage some increase in... Continue Reading
Evangelical Left Pushes for Obamacare
WASHINGTON, /Christian Newswire/ — Religious Left activist Jim Wallis is leading a new “40 Days for Health Reform” campaign for President Obama’s proposed government dominated overhaul of U.S. health care. Wallis unveiled the campaign during an August 10 media conference call. Next week, President Obama will join Wallis and others on a national call in... Continue Reading
“Healthcare Reform” America Can’t Afford
The healthcare reform bill pending in Congress is called “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.” It is supposed to provide “affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending.” Unfortunately, rather than reducing the growth of healthcare spending, it is likely to increase it. And if the plan leads to... Continue Reading