How the “Worship Wars” Often Miss the Real Issue – by Michael Horton
The most important divide is over this question: Do we come to church primarily to receive or primarily to do something? In other words, is God not only the object but the primary actor in the service, or are we?
Book Review – “Why We Love the Church”
Church is out, spirituality is in. This is true outside Christians circles but, shockingly, it is true within as well. Recent years have seen a long succession of books talking of the revolution to come (or the revolution underway) which will see Christians abandon the institutional church in favor of expressions of the faith that... Continue Reading
Reinventing Liberalism
For some time now I’ve been thinking that if I were to write a book on current trends in Reformed and Evangelical theology, it would be entitled Reinventing Liberalism. If one were to trace the course of evangelicalism as it has stumbled along from the days of Fundamentalist/Modernist controversy and the split with the... Continue Reading
Reflections on a Long Pastorate: 30 Years and Counting
Editor’s note: TE Robert Smallman wrote this article when he and his congregation celebrated his 25th anniversary of pastoral service at Bible Presbyterian Church in Merrill, Wis. Now he is reaching his 30th year at the same church and this assessment of a long pastorate are still true. Bob indicated that the only thing... Continue Reading