As an exercise, try to answer any typical presbytery exam question (Bible, polity, theology, church history, etc.) with any of these standard answers.
In light of my experience this past week being examined for licensure in Florida Presbytery (ARP), I have given some thought as to how various theologians and pastors (or, the RTS category: pastor-scholars) would answer a particular question. So, as an exercise, try to answer any typical presbytery exam question (Bible, polity, theology, church history, etc.) with any of these standard answers.
1. “For all we know, the answer in another possible world could be…” (Alvin Plantinga)
2. “Clearly, the theme of temple expansion encompassing the new creation is in view.” (G.K. Beale)
3. “We need to recognize the perspectivalistic nature of the question at hand.” (Poythress-Frame)
4. “I have 72 points. Point one, you’re an idiot.” (Mark Driscoll)
5. “Jesus wants the rose!” (Matt Chandler)
6. “There is a religious answer, and an irreligious answer. But, there is a third way…” (Tim Keller)
7. “My answer is irrelevant. Because Jesus, plus nothing, equals everything!” (Tullian Tchividjian)
8. “I have ten distinct arguments tonight which I want to present to you.” (William Lane Craig)
9. “It is clear that the British aren’t as problematic as the Americans are on this issue…And baseball is truly a poor sport.” (Carl Trueman)
10. “Caspar Olevianus is helpful to us here…” (R. Scott Clark)
11. “I think this is a heart issue we are dealing with.” (Paul Tripp)
12. “Ask me that again, and I’ll punch someone in the THROAT!” (Perry Noble)
13. “Hey haters…” (Steve Furtick)
14. “…….” (Braco) (yeah, not a Christian, but still good)
15. “Jesus” (Bryan Chapell)
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