The Aqulia Report will be represented at the meeting and will provide updates when appropriate on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as a full report of the findings and decisions made by the Synod on Wednesday.
Elders from throughout the U.S. will gather in the Youth Activity Building at the denomination-owned Bonclarken Conference Center near Hendersonville, NC Tuesday afternoon to convene the highly unusual ‘Called’ (special) meeting of Ministers and Ruling Elders serving as delegates. They will hear a report from a Commission instructed to report on apparent problems in the governance of Erskine College and Seminary in Due West, SC and to evaluate recommendations designed to resolve the crisis.
Plans are to convene in the late afternoon, distribute the final report of the commission, which will contain recommendations as to how the denomination may proceed to achieve the goals set forth by the Synod, and spend time in worship and prayer. The actual business session, when discussions will open on the report, is set for Wednesday.
As if the internal stress were not sufficient, early Monday morning the Chronicle of Higher Education, the primary professional journal in the secular press dealing with higher education issues posted on their website a long, detailed analysis of the issues, as seen from the eyes of the professors who fear they are the primary targets of the investigation. Clearly the issues go far beyond the church walls of Associate Reformed Presbyterian congregations.
Those interested in reading the details of the Chronicle story may go to this link:
For the first time in recent memory, planners of the meeting are making designated space available in the meeting hall for members of the press – expected to include both the religious media and secular press.
The Aqulia Report will be represented at the meeting and will provide updates when appropriate on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as a full report of the findings and decisions made by the Synod on Wednesday.
To read previous reports of the call for the meeting and a preliminary report, go to these links:
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