Preview of the 2011 Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Registration for ministers and elder representatives begins on Tuesday in the Mike and Lib Patrick Conference Room in The Lodge. All members of the court must sign-in to be included on the official roll of Synod. General Synod information can be found online at
Business will begin Wednesday, following the presentation of the Moderator’s medallion and staff to Moderator-elect Andrew K. Putnam by retiring Moderator Stephen J. Maye. Moderator Maye and Moderator-elect Putnam request the prayers of all church members: that Jesus Christ will be glorified at this meeting of General Synod.
The Moderator-elect is senior pastor at Tirzah (SC) ARP Church. When nominated at the 2010 meeting of General Synod, Vice Moderator Rob Patrick had this to say about Rev. Putnam:
“Andy Putnam is like an older brother. In wisdom and care, while at Erskine Seminary, he directed me, sometimes insulted me, and kept me out of trouble. He has been a blessing to Synod, his presbytery and the churches he has served.
“As parliamentarian, he is instrumental in doing things decently and in order. In Catawba Presbytery, he has served as director of Senior Adult Ministries, as moderator, and vice moderator. He is a faithful and effective pastor, has passion for the gospel, and has made an impact on his community. He is also involved in overseas missions.”
Putnam also serves on the Special Committee to Revise the Form of Government; the Erskine Board and Synod’s Executive Board. After agreeing to serve as Moderator, Putnam replied, “In service to Christ’s Kingdom, we strive for unity, peace and prosperity. The best days of the ARP Church are ahead, 2 Corinthians 1-2.”
In keeping with this acceptance statement, he sent a booklet, An Exhortation to Peace and Unity, by John Bunyan, to every ARP minister – and to each congregation without a minister – requesting they read it “in preparation for the upcoming meeting of General Synod.”
“This booklet is commended for your reading and spiritual edification in a time when an exhortation to peace and unity is sorely needed in the Christian Church,” Putnam said.
Vice Moderator-elect is Paul Patrick, chaplain of Erskine College & Seminary.
The following highlights and recommendations from board and committee reports will be addressed by the court:
The Associate Reformed Presbyterian.
The Board of The ARP again approved publishing the denomination’s magazine at a reduced number of issues per year. Due to a continued substantial decrease in the number of print subscribers and a reduced denominational Ministries allocation, the Board approved ten (10) issues for distribution to 3,500 subscribers in 2011.
As funding becomes more of an issue, due to low denominational giving and subscriber support, the Board seeks to define Synod’s relationship to the magazine.
(*Revenues for the 2010 actuals were 53 percent Denominational Ministries and 31 percent subscriber. Subscription revenues will likely not produce enough income to sufficiently offset production expenses not covered by the denomination.) Subscription prices have not been raised since 2007. The current rate is $20 per year.
Although our print version continues to decline, online subscriptions have increased; from 100 in 2010, to 224 (as of 3/31/2011). But even in the face of these challenges, by adding new features, social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook to reinforce the message of the magazine, and by strengthening efforts to see subscribers renew and return, we hold fast to our vision of presenting the good news of Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
1. That Synod clarify its relationship with its denominational magazine, in light of the declining number of print subscriptions and future support.
2. That Synod appoint an official spokesperson for ARP-related news, in relation to future articles in publications outside the ARP Church.
Our 2010 year was filled with life changing experiences as the Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way in the lives of our camps and conferences attendees. One good story is about a young man named “Jeff.”
Jeff was a first-time attendee at Camp Bonclarken. A fine young man who is an active member of his church, Jeff felt the call of the Holy Spirit to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ during camp. He was so excited to share this good news with his parents when they arrived on Friday and his parents, as you can imagine, were thrilled.
Now take Jeff’s decision and multiply it by hundreds—you have a sense of why Bonclarken is important not only in the life of our Associate Reformed
Presbyterian denomination, but in the life of individuals that visit us from many other denominations as well.
1. That General Synod continue to support Bonclarken in the allocation of Synod funds and in the annual Easter offering.
2. That General Synod encourage all Presbyteries, boards, and church organizations to attend the various ARP camps and conferences hosted by Bonclarken during the year.
3. That the meetings of General Synod for 2012 and 2013 be held at Bonclarken beginning on June 5, 2012, and June 11, 2013.
Christian Education Ministries
Duties and Work Underway…
To employ such administrators and staff as are necessary for the work of the Board and to supervise the execution of the Board policies. (Manual of Authorities and Duties, 2009):
The board spent much time studying CEM’s current administrative structure and eliminated the fulltime positions of both the Director of Events and the Director of Resources in order to fulfill its mission more effectively.
The board expressed its very sincere gratitude to Rev. Greg Hamer for his faithful labors in working in Christian Education Ministries and provided a transition package.
The board welcomed Kara Russo as the new Administrative Assistant. The board welcomed Courtney Groves as the new Graphic/Design Specialist (part-time). The board welcomed Carole Ellis as the new Resource Specialist (part-time). The board welcomed Ms. Judi Hodges as the new Training Specialist (part-time).
CEM developed a personal intern position in place of summer internship program to more effectively fulfill CEM’s mission.
To provide and recommend curriculum and other materials necessary for the teaching ministry (i.e., Sunday School, catechism training, mid-week programming, Vacation Bible School, etc.) (Manual of Authorities and Duties, 2009):
CEM opened up a bookstore at Bonclarken to provide people an opportunity to obtain approved CEM resources. CEM plans to open a bookstore at Erskine Theological Seminary to provide students the opportunity to obtain ARP approved resources.
CEM continues to expand and enhance resources found on the ARP bookstore website. (
CEM has produced a catalog of resources offered through our bookstore. CEM continues to work on the Adult Quarterly (Sunday School Curriculum). Power points are now available for this resource. CEM and ONA have published an evangelism study resource consisting of four lesson plans for use in elective classes in ARP churches.
CEM is developing curriculum with ARP writers for use in Sunday School classes and Bible studies. CEM is expanding the list of resources in the areas of family devotion and parenting, as well as stewardship.
William H. Dunlap Orphanage, Inc.
The board’s ministry is to carry out the purpose of the corporation consistent with the Standards of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
The policy guidelines for the Board state that its “purpose is to assist those providing all the following [to orphans]: basic physical necessities; spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing; and assistance toward greater self-reliance.” To this end, the Board has established on-going relationships with the Collins Home & Family Ministries, Seneca, SC, and the Palmer Home for Children, Columbus, MS. A representative from the Dunlap Board serves on the board of each of these homes—Jeff Bost for Collins and Dianne Clowers for Palmer.
The mission of the Collins Home is to provide “…a Christ-centered home for children between the ages of 2 – 21 who are in need of a stronger family support system. Our goal is the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical development of our children, and the eventual reunification with their natural families whenever possible” ( The home is supported through private donations.
Palmer Home for Children is a ministry to children in need; children who are growing up as social orphans without the nurture and support of a loving family; children who need a place to be and to become” (
Primarily supported by a number of Presbyterian denominations, the home has been serving children since 1895. The Dunlap Board expresses gratitude to God for the able and compassionate leadership of Rev. Ed Waldron, who will retire at the end of June after over 20 years as president of the Palmer Home.
The Board continues to provide $20,000 annually to Erskine College for scholarships for orphans. During the 2009 – 2010 academic year, 10 students received assistance through the program. In addition to this scholarship program, funds are also available for Associate Reformed Presbyterian orphans who plan to attend college but who are unable to attend Erskine.
In 2011, the Board is also providing assistance to World Witness for the support of orphans enrolled in the Mabel Lowry Pressly School, Sahiwal, Pakistan; French Camp Academy, French Camp, Mississippi; and Calvary Home for Children, Anderson, SC.
For a number of years the Board provided small grants to the Presbyterian Home and Family Services in Lynchburg, VA. This organization has grown significantly over the last two years and maintains a healthy endowment. While the Dunlap Board appreciates the services of the home, we believe that our rather small grants will have a greater financial impact on other organizations, and therefore we have voted not to make future contributions to this particular ministry.
1. That Synod authorize the Board to establish a special fund to provide assistance, based on demonstrated financial need, to ARP pastors who have adopted children.
2. That the tentative budget for 2012 be approved.
3. That ARP pastors and congregations actively seek to minister to orphans through service and prayer.
4. That all other actions of the Board, herein reported, be sustained.
Committee on Lay Ministry
Some limited funding is provided through our budget to assist presbyteries, clusters of congregations, and individual congregations who desire to sponsor teaching and training events for laymen on a more local level. You may make application for these funds through the Director of Lay Ministry Tom Patterson.
A unique program is offered through the Lay Ministry Committee to provide work teams to assist congregations with various tasks (such as painting, building construction, landscaping, literature distribution, etc.). Volunteers furnish their own transportation and bring their own tools. Meals, lodging, and supplies are provided by the church or agency needing the help. Contact Tom Patterson if you have a need for a Work Team.
1. That sessions and pastors promote attendance at the Laity in Action Conference and the Family Bible Conference.
2. That sessions call on their people to pray daily for the work and ministry of the local congregation, the presbyteries, and the General Synod and challenge the laymen to have a systematic study of the Scripture and set aside a time for daily devotions.
3. That laymen be challenged to familiarize themselves with our doctrinal standards as found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
4. That opportunities to prepare and equip lay people for effective Christian service and opportunities to involve laymen in ministries be provided through the local congregations, and also through the work teams provided through this committee and that encouragement to participate in community-based ministries be given through the local congregation.
5. That the retreat and conference ministries of the ARP Church be given proper promotion within each congregation.
6. That sessions be encouraged to designate one Sunday in the month of October as a day to celebrate and emphasize the role of laymen in the church.
7. That Rev. Tim Watson be approved as the director for the Family Bible Conference, Rev. Will Anderson as assistant director, and John Barron as treasurer for 2012-2013.
Special Committee on Multi-Cultural Ministry
Multi-cultural congregations and ministers constitute a significant ministry in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Korean, Hispanic, Iranian, Chinese, Hungarian, and Swahili congregations are scattered across the denomination. Canadian, Catawba, First, Florida, Mississippi Valley, Northeast, Pacific, Second, and Tennessee Alabama Presbyteries all have multi-cultural congregations and/or ministers on their rolls. Only Virginia Presbytery has no multi-cultural congregations or ministers on its roll.
The multi-cultural pastors present at the meeting all agreed that ethnic groups would benefit from specialized training. As an example they indicated there needs to be a better understanding of terms used in our documents and vernacular. Seminars to address such matters will be helpful to multi-cultural pastors and should be ongoing. It was suggested that such a training time be offered in conjunction with the Meeting of Synod as most of the multi-cultural pastors will be in attendance. The Moderator-Elect has concurred with the concept, and the first such training will be offered on Tuesday evening after the worship service.
Erskine College & Seminary
Erskine is most grateful for General Synod’s faithful and generous support over the years. Historically, the resources that Synod has provided, whether prayer, people, or finances, have been vital to Erskine’s ability to fulfill its vision, and this year is no exception.
The following recommendations are made with the hope that the Lord desires to see Erskine and the ARP Church continue to extend the Kingdom through higher education.
1. That a season of prayer and fasting for Erskine College and Seminary be held in the churches of the presbyteries in the ARP Synod.
2. That special days be designated when the work of Erskine College and Seminary can be presented to the congregations of the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church and when special offerings to support the ministries of this institution can be received.
3. That its budget request presented through the Board of Stewardship be approved.
As a ministry established by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, it is Erskine’s desire to submit a report to General Synod that is informative and will substantively address the particular areas as identified in the Manual of Authorities and Duties, document progress on specific concerns raised by Synod, and benchmark vision with the Statement of the Philosophy of Christian Higher Education.
We thankfully acknowledge the Synod’s call upon churches for a day of prayer and fasting for Erskine this past year. Time and time again Erskine is reaping the benefits that come from the faithful prayers of others. While the Lord’s hand is evident all around, there is still much to be done. The Board of Trustees is committed to the mission of Erskine College and Theological Seminary and is dedicated to improving the execution of such vision.
Outreach North America
Introducing people in the United States and Canada to Jesus Christ by helping our presbyteries plant new churches and renew existing churches.
1. That Synod encourage ministers to make full use of whatever provisions are provided in their call for continuing education, and that Synod encourage ministers to become proficient as trainers for at least one evangelism technique every 3 – 4 years.
2. That Synod ask presbyteries to have the date a new minister will attend new minister orientation decided at the time of call.
3. That Synod affirm ONA’s guideline concerning ethnic church planting: we prefer to fund new ethnic church plants that have plans for or are in the process of making a significant impact with the next generation.
4. That Synod authorize having the revised Form of Government translated into Korean and Spanish once the revised Form of Government is approved by Synod, and that the Synod authorize the Executive Board of Synod to have the revised Form of Government translated into other languages as the Executive Board determines there is a need.
5. That Synod remind ministers and sessions of their responsibility to participate in Presbytery and Synod.
6. That Synod encourage presbyteries to assign a mentor/translator for ministers of different ethnicity coming into the presbytery. The mentor/translator will help the new minister understand the ARP culture and ARP Form of Government.
7. That Synod authorize a training time for ministers and elders of different ethnicity during the Pre or Post Synod time period each year; this training to be coordinated by Central Services.
8. That Synod encourage presbytery church extension committees, mission congregations, and churches to consider attending the Church Planting and Renewal Conference at Erskine July 19-21. A special discounted rate ($235/person) for ONA/ARP/Erskine is available until the end of the day Friday, June 10.
9. That Synod approve a change in the ONA Policy Book, section VI, Financial Policies. Replace paragraph D of that section in its entirety with a new paragraph D. The old paragraph D spelled out terms for the Church Plant Cash Flow Loan Fund that is being replaced by the Church Mobilization Fund. The recommended new paragraph D follows at the end of this report.
The Special Committee to Revise the Form of Government
We have chosen to use the English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV) for all Scriptural quotations.
These biblical references will be handled as footnotes in the document. Whenever “Church” is referred to in the Form of Government, it refers to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church unless otherwise stated. For reasons of emphasis and identification, Synod, Presbytery, Session, and Diaconate are capitalized.
The terms “minister” and “elder” are used to refer to what we formerly called either “ministers” or “teaching elders” and “elders” or “ruling elders.” Ministers are divided into nine categories: pastors, associate pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, church planters, bi-vocational, chaplains, and other positions. This system better represents the diversity we find in the ministry today. The current Form of Government only has five categories.
From Canadian Presbytery:
Memorial #1 – Doctrinal Commitments Questionnaire for the Committee on Nominations.
Memorial #2 – Vows to Inerrancy (by pastors and elders).
From First Presbytery:
Memorial #1 – Rules of Order (last sentence of Rules of Order amended to read, “Business laid on the table should be brought up by the clerk when the docket is cleared, but only prior to the adjournment of the General Synod”).
Memorial #2 – Rules of Order (addition of a new sub-paragraph entitling any member of the court the right to have his name recorded in the Minutes of Synod, indicating his vote, if he is not satisfied with the action taken by the court).
Source: June-July issue of the ARP Magazine; used with permission
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