The following letter, signed by PCUSA Minister and former pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Butler (PA) Jeff Harris, and his wife Bev, written in May has been made public by the author. It first appeared on The Layman online version
Pastor Jeff & Bev Harris , Posted Thursday, September 29, 2011
Reprinted with permission.
May 27, 2011
Tom McMeekin, Chair
Committee on Ministry
Beaver Butler Presbytery
134 S. Main Street, Suite B
Zelienople, PA 16063-1184
Dear Members of Committee on Ministry:
As you are aware, the 219th General Assembly passed last summer a resolution that requests the Board of Pensions to increase dues by one percent from 31.5% to 32.5% of effective salary to insure same-gender domestic partners beginning January 1, 2012. This action, if the Board of Pensions adopts it, would require church members to support unrepentant homosexual lifestyle with their tithes and offerings. We are deeply troubled by this development and find as a matter of conscience that we cannot support this action, nor in good conscience support the denomination in what we believe to be a rejection of the Word of God for matters of faith and practice.
To make matters worse, the recent approval of amendment 10-A on May 10 for ordaining unrepentant, practicing homosexuals, bisexuals and fornicating heterosexuals, nothing constitutional now stands in the way of the Board of Pensions from implementing what the General Assembly has urged them to do. In turn, no presbytery or synod has an alternative recourse. Meanwhile, the approval of Amendment 10-A foolishly removes all references to marriage and chastity not to mention the language about the refusal to repent of sin. This approval also eliminates the definition of marriage between a male and female.
In turn, this approval now opens the door within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for sexually active homosexuals, bisexuals, trans-genders, adulterers and heterosexual fornicators. Where will the constitutional standard end? Polygamy? Incest? Bestiality?
Former moderators and other national leaders have consistently said that ordination decisions will remain as local option and that some will choose not to ordain sexually active gays and lesbians. They argue that same standards for leadership still apply since sessions and presbyteries will be guided by their own collective understanding of Scripture and the confessions. In other words, national leaders of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have now publicly affirmed the right to defy Scripture (and ordination vows) while claiming to follow Christ.
But how long do you propose this absurd claim of local option will last? And in whose favor do you propose the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) will rule when a sexually active homosexual feels discriminated from the office of Elder? What are the legal ramifications for the Pastor and Elders when a discrimination suit is filed against a congregation whose Bylaws are subject to the Book of Order? While we commend the national leadership for their honesty, we find it nevertheless disgusting that they have never denied the intentions of Amendment 10-A. We also find it deplorable for the few leaders in this presbytery who claim that homosexuality is a mere “cultural issue.” This is an act of defiance and mocks the character of God.
As in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, rebellion and disobedience became the norm in society. Even Lot’s own daughters could not distinguish sin from righteousness (Genesis 19:31-36). Similarly, the leadership of this denomination has compromised the integrity of God’s character and they refuse to repent of their sin. Instead, they lead others astray from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul said it best to the church of Galatia. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all” (Galatians 1:6-7a NIV).
Rules never applied to the liberal fanatics. They demand others to journey alongside them in the name of unity. But when the standards for the past three decades did not suit their lifestyle, they undermine the authority of Scripture and mock anyone who stood for obedience. They feel self-avowed practicing homosexuals, trans-genders and heterosexual fornicators are acceptable lifestyles for God’s people regardless of whether the Word of God calls it sin. Jesus said that His true disciples would be revealed by their fruit (Luke 6:43-45). The leadership has placed this denomination against God’s ire for such apostasy and all members are in great peril because of it.
On the other hand, we appreciate the moderator’s recent letter to members of the presbytery trying to calm the imminent storm. In the letter, he affirms that the presbytery’s policy will uphold the standard of fidelity and chastity. While we understand the desire to prevent damage control and affirm the presbytery’s position, the letter offers nothing more than a false sense of security. How do you propose to uphold a policy of ordination standard that as of July 11 will violate the Book of Order? How do you propose to uphold a standard of obedience and holiness when the presbytery is subject to morally compromised governing authority? What is your recourse if an appeal to General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission is ruled in favor of a sexually active homosexual or trans-gender prohibited from the office of Elder in one of your own local congregations? We cannot give tithes to Molech and expect to be blessed. We cannot expect God to hear our prayers if we live in moral compromise.
For these reasons, we cannot in our love and devotion to Jesus Christ and His Gospel defend a denomination that neither fears the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob nor adheres to the authority of Scripture. Therefore, we renounce our jurisdiction from the Presbytery of Beaver Butler according to G-6.0701 effective this date.
As were the prophets of the Old Testament called to warn the people from judgment, we call on every member, Deacon, Elder and Pastor of this Presbytery and all Presbyteries to publicly repent and disassociate from the General Assembly and the recent vote of Amendment 10-A. The Lord will not tolerate this level of perversion and the slander of His name. His righteous judgment is coming. It will be quick, severe and without mercy. The measure of His righteous judgment on this denomination will be no less than what the Lord gave to Sodom and Gomorrah.
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient
to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without
self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty,
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but
denying its power. And from such people turn away! (2 Timothy 3:1-5 NKJV; Emphasis mine)
In Jesus’ name,
Pastor Jeff & Bev Harris
[Editor’s note: the original URL (link) referenced in this article is no longer valid, so the link has been removed.]
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