Examining a Favourite Christian Punchline: God Willing
When we say “God willing” we are surrendering ourselves fully to the sovereign will and rule of God.
Believers use the expression “God willing” appropriately when they know and trust in the character of God. They acknowledge that God is the one who meticulously ordains all that comes to pass and whose plans cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2). Kenya is considered a Christian country. Most people acknowledge the existence of God and... Continue Reading
Celebrating Christmas, B.B. Warfield
A summary of the development of Christmas practices over the centuries.
“…no other Christian festival has so intimately wedded itself with the family life and the life of the people as Christmas. Nevertheless, for more than three hundred years the Church got along entirely without it.” In the book review that follows, B. B. Warfield summarizes the development of Christmas practices over the centuries and... Continue Reading
Henry A. Boardman, “This Is Not Your Rest”
Dr. Henry Boardman delivered this sermon New Year 1866 while pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.
Dr. Boardman was born in Troy, New York, January 9, 1808. He was a brilliant student at Yale graduating first in his class in 1829. He then studied for the ministry in Princeton Theological Seminary. He was ordained and installed the pastor of Tenth Church on November 8, 1833. His hand never came from the... Continue Reading
The Face in the Mirror
When it comes to owning our sins, we are quick to look everywhere else.
Recognize that you are your own worst enemy. If you can acknowledge this truth, you’ll make greater progress in your growth in grace. As a pastor I regularly listened to people give all sorts of reasons and excuses for their sinful conduct. As a parent, I have listened to my children blame everyone else... Continue Reading
Learning and Doing in Times of Crisis
Carrying on in difficult times.
The great Christian apologist, author, and lecturer, C. S. Lewis, wrote during periods of hardship and upheaval, especially during the Second World War and the onset of the atomic age and the Cold War. He had to learn how to deal with changing circumstances, and he sought to convey some keys truths on this to... Continue Reading
On Stumbling
What is the difference between one who betrays, one who denies, and a stumbler?
We have a lesson to learn from Peter. It is not our resolve that wins the day, though we should have resolve. No. We should be more humble. It is the resolve of Christ to intercede for us so that our faith will not fail that causes us to persevere. Now as they were eating, He said,... Continue Reading
Prayer: God’s Daily Test
What is being revealed, refined, and reinforced in our prayer lives?
God’s testing reveals before Creator and creature what’s really in our hearts. God’s testing refines our faith, purging away that which would hinder it. God’s testing reinforces our faith, strengthening our hearts. I have some biblical tension for you to hold in your life that gets to the heart of prayer. Are you ready for it? Perhaps you should pray... Continue Reading
Natural, Secular, Worldly—Why Does a Christian Theologian Use These Words Positively?
God has prepared many good works for us to do, and you can’t do good works if you don’t know how the world works.
I advocate that we live Christian lives in the secular world. To do so requires mastery and competence of secular disciplines, the workings of the world, things over which Christians have no distinctive competence. Yet we are to direct these penultimate activities ultimately toward redemptive ends. As a writer, it is a joy when... Continue Reading
Dear Pastor, May My Child Take The Lord’s Supper?
The Lord’s Supper is for those who readily confess their sin and know their need of a Savior.
The Table is indeed for sinners, but for sinners who are willing to repent of their sin and come to Christ where forgiveness is found. John’s warning in his first epistle applies nicely to this matter of self-examination, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us”... Continue Reading
Five Reasons Christians Give Bad Advice
We must thoughtfully examine our advice before delivering it.
We aren’t always clear in our own minds if the advice we’re offering is biblically informed or culturally conditioned. This is perhaps especially true for conservative Christianity or Evangelicalism. The areas of sex and politics are obvious examples. Aspects of our Christian culture are very often mere artefacts of another culture. Like the British museum,... Continue Reading
What Is the Difference Between God’s Mission and Christian Witness?
God’s mission that we participate in as Christians through the witness of Christ.
Christian witness is the church commissioned by Christ, sent out, empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak about what God is doing. Witnessing is to speak of Christ and his gospel truth, salvation in Christ alone, to speak about God—the only true God—and his truth claims in Scripture, and to speak to sinners and to... Continue Reading
Reviving Germany
Signs of life in the land of Luther.
Christ is at work in Germany even now. We see God’s Spirit working, especially among the younger generation. In 2009, John Piper returned to Munich for the first time since his PhD studies in the early 1970s. He met with a group of roughly fifteen German pastors and theologians, most of whom had served in... Continue Reading
Did the Son of God Leave Heaven When He Came to Earth?
We don’t need the Son of God leaving heaven for earth in order for the incarnation to be worth singing about.
How, then, can Christ be with his people always and everywhere, to the end of the age? The answer is that the divine nature, even when joined to a human nature, is not circumscribed by that human nature but exists outside (extra) of it. As the Heidelberg Catechism teaches, “Since divinity is not limited and... Continue Reading
Limited Atonement as the Theology of Christmas
The Incarnation—God becoming flesh—was the beginning of a divine rescue mission.
One of the clear doctrines highlighted and emphasized at Christmas for obvious reasons is the doctrine of the incarnation. However, the doctrine of God taking upon himself human flesh in the person of Christ is not an isolated doctrine. Many people perhaps have not paused to consider the connection between the incarnation of Jesus and... Continue Reading
None Comparable to Him! Jesus Saves a Troubled World
As another year closes with the world on the brink of disaster, look to the One who stands in the gap.
Many will read of Christ this season and scoff at His salvation. They will listen to hymns, sing along, and not believe a word. They will look out at a world in peril and search for another man to solve the problems. Do not be counted among them. And she will bring forth a... Continue Reading
The Urgency of Instant Obedience
Your instant obedience today, and every day, is more important than you realize.
God spoke to Joseph. Joseph didn’t hesitate or argue but instantly obeyed. His unquestioning responses played a vital role in the redemption of the world. His instant obedience…protected his wife, protected his son, the baby Jesus, from certain death, and provided a perfect environment for growth in Nazareth. Each step of obedience vindicated God by... Continue Reading
The 4B Worldview
The movement represents the latest failures and fallout of the sexual revolution.
Histrionic as elements of the 4B movement are, it’s more than a hissy fit. The last 60 years have afforded women unprecedented freedoms, yet they still feel unvalued and unsafe. The sexual revolution of the 1960s rejected every social, moral, and sexual expectation as a power-consolidating cultural construct. Women were “liberated” to define and pursue... Continue Reading
Rebranding the EPC
What we need is not a new logo, but a return to our Reformed, Presbyterian faith and practice.
In the name of growth and being “missional,” there has been a deliberate effort to transform the EPC into something different. In the process, we have forsaken some of the core principles that have guided the EPC for 43 years. As a result, our peace, unity, and purity have been seriously eroded. Not far... Continue Reading
Paul’s Missionary Enterprise
New converts, new communities, and nurtured churches.
The work of discipleship and church planting cannot take place unless non-believers are evangelized and born again. At the same time, we cannot leave new converts on their own simply because they claim to be Christians. They must be grounded in their faith, taught what it means to turn their backs on the world and... Continue Reading
Handel’s Messiah and the Spectre of Christendom
On secularism, culture, glory, and the King of Kings.
Worldviews have consequences. LGBT+ liberalism cannot and will not ever produce anything even remotely resembling the Messiah. It is forever bound to be parasitic upon the Christendom culture and worldview from which it rebels. However much it tries to be “creative” and “alternative”, however much it attempts to “think outside the box”, it can only... Continue Reading
Thou Shalt Not Kill
The British Parliament legalized assisted suicide with little opposition.
Our northern neighbor’s Orwellian-named MAID (medical assistance in dying) has resulted in more than 400 individuals being put to death in criminal violation to the code, and the Netherlands, where it is currently legal for doctors to kill patients as young as 1 year old with the consent of a guardian. Instead of seeing these... Continue Reading
A Selection of Christian Superstitions We Must Abandon
Rest in Christ, in his glorious finished work, and in him who comforts weary sinners.
You’re bound to have heard this preached from pulpits in one form or another: “Unlock God’s blessing upon your life by giving more money to the church.” God’s blessing is seen to be dependent on my actions; the more I give, the more God will bless me. Alternatively, if I don’t give enough, he’ll curse... Continue Reading
The Story of the Monk Who Changed the World
Teaching God’s word was Luther’s new job, a role that would change both him and the world.
In the fall of 1511, the two men sat under a pear tree in front of the Black Cloister monastery, Martin’s new home in Wittenberg. There Staupitz gave Martin some unwelcome news. Martin had a new assignment: “You will be a preacher and a teacher of the Bible.” Martin panicked. “I’m not qualified,” he said. Then,... Continue Reading
Who Will Answer the Accuser?
WLC Part 4.
In Hebrews 8:3-4, we read how Christ as High Priest offers gifts and sacrifices in heaven on our behalf. These are the gifts he offers his life, righteousness, and blood. They can silence all foes and accusers of the brethren and will satisfy the wrath of God. The advocate’s answer strips the accuser of his... Continue Reading
Ohio County Cuts Off Funding to Christian Homes for Girls
Anti–sex trafficking ministry sues government, alleging religious discrimination.
The county formally cut ties with the ministry, costing it thousands of dollars in funding and opportunities to further its calling and minister to survivors of sex trafficking, according to a federal lawsuit filed last week on Gracehaven’s behalf. The contract would have allowed Gracehaven to staff its third group home and open four more... Continue Reading
“NUTS!” Why Christians Must Fight On Against the Devil’s Calls to Surrender — Revelation 22:12-21
Suffering Christians, holding on under violent attack, are to look up, expectant, eager, and ready for the return of Christ.
In this time of siege and struggle, surrounded by a powerful and deadly enemy, Satan calls us to surrender: “Stand down. Give in. Stop fighting and your life will be so much easier.” But Christ is coming soon. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Bright Morning Star. We have washed our robes in his blood.... Continue Reading
Read This Before You Rush Into Debate
Public debates always require spiritual zeal and prudence.
Those who participate in a public debate should do so in a spirit of self-denial. This is the appropriate attitude for those who are convinced how difficult the task is, how feeble and ineffective they themselves are, and how subtle the principal adversary which they have to do with is. Therefore, people should not commit... Continue Reading
Sermons and the Minister’s Focus
Four Particular Helps For Preachers and the Congregation to Stay on Target
A pastor needs to not only know his people, but he needs to know his context as well. If you are proclaiming God’s word to a congregation in Salt Lake City then Mormon apologetics are going to need to take center stage moreso than if you are in a place where they are only heard... Continue Reading
He Came to a World in Darkness
O Day-Spring
Jesus came into the world as light and became the light of the world. And his light shone in our darkness. But he did more than shine. He set in motion the eternal destruction of our darkness by taking it upon himself. It even appeared as if the darkness of our sin had extinguished the... Continue Reading
9 Ways to Help Those Who Are Suffering
How can we grow in showing up with love and wisdom?
Caring. God: God is not apathetic or cold to your pain. When God introduces Himself, one of the main ways He describes Himself is by telling us He is compassionate (Exod. 34:6)! Jesus wept when He saw the suffering of those He loves. It’s not different for you. He deeply feels your pain and sorrow.... Continue Reading