Top 50 Stories on The Aquila Report for 2024: 41-50
Numbers 41-50 of the top 50 articles for 2024
In keeping with the journalistic tradition of looking back at the recent past, we present the top 50 stories of the year that were read on The Aquila Report site based on the number of hits. We will present the 50 stories in groups of 10 to run on five lists on consecutive days. Here... Continue Reading
My Favorite Books of 2024
In the last ten years or so there have been some fine books written.
‘Cultural Sanctification’ by Stephen O. Presley. In this excellent book of cultural apologetics, Presley argues that the church today must look back to the doctrine, practices, and priorities of the early church to properly navigate life in a culture hostile to Christ and Christians. Daily Doctrine by Kevin DeYoung This is my pick for... Continue Reading
Handel’s Messiah: Worship, Worldliness, and the Way of True Praise
Pursue opportunities to draw attention to what songs are saying, trusting the Spirit of Truth to illumine the mind and quicken the heart.
The fact that people can listen to Messiah and miss what’s being said tells us that musical works on their own, no matter how inspired they might be, don’t always communicate what people need to hear. It’s not far removed from the people of Ezekiel’s day who likened his prophetic judgments to “one who sings... Continue Reading
Response to “An Encyclical for the Purpose of Addressing Frequently Asked Questions in the 2024-2025 EPC Church Year”
The peace and unity of the church have been recklessly squandered.
The message seems clear: the national leadership can communicate as it wishes, while the rest of us should practice restraint. For commissioners who care deeply about the EPC’s future, this feels less like a call to unity and more like an attempt to avoid dealing with the real issues. It is an approach that risks... Continue Reading
Finally Transformed: From Transgender to Christian
I’ve seen the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit transform me and bring me a joy I never would’ve experienced regardless of how many surgeries I endured.
Christianity bears the brunt of modern criticism. It was oppressive to me—too limiting and too judgmental. I strived to resist it at all costs, believing “Bible thumpers” the most viciously opposed to my identity as Andrea, even more so than the strangers shouting mean comments in the streets. But then I was transformed. “It’s... Continue Reading
Martin Luther: Theologian of the Cross
“The cross alone is our theology” became a rallying cry for Martin Luther’s followers. It still is today.
It’s not always people who appear good, beautiful, and powerful by worldly standards who truly know God. (After all, Jesus didn’t look glorious on the cross.) “One deserves to be called a [true] theologian,” Martin wrote, “who sees God even in suffering.” The Bible says that even broken and weak sinners can know God if... Continue Reading
The Importance of Calling
Please don’t forget that it is Jesus himself who has called you to be a leader in the church.
I discovered that I had some gifting in public ministry. This was confirmed by the people whom I served. Theologians refer to this dynamic as the “external” call, that is, the confirmation by others that this might be what the Lord has in store. Of course, the consummation of the external call is the confirmation... Continue Reading
It Is We Who Must Be Bent
We must stop bending the Bible to suit our situation, but rather bend ourselves to suit the Word.
We must guard ourselves against looking to the Bible for confirmation of our longings rather than looking to the Bible for truth that may contradict our longings. Elisabeth Elliot’s admonition is an appropriate one: “We must quit bending the Word to suit our situation. It is we who must be bent to that Word, our... Continue Reading
The Significance of ‘The First Hymn’
The First Hymn shows the power of faith and music going hand in hand.
The First Hymn might have sounded melodically similar to something a Westerner would hear today. However, finding pieces of ancient music like this is not entirely unusual. What set The First Hymn apart was its theological message: that one true Lord proclaims this hymn — is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This mention of... Continue Reading
One Little Word Shall Fell Him
Glorying in the hope of Christmas.
When God’s Anointed King appears, He will not accomplish salvation by divine fiat, nor will He conquer the world with a battlecry and simply declare the deliverance of His people. Rather, His appearing will be subtle, almost obscure, like the slow growth of a young plant or a root out of dry ground (Isa. 53:2).... Continue Reading
Justin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Messianic Prophecy
The "strongest and truest evidence.”.
Fulfilled prophecies and testimonies, not beliefs “governed by passion,” are the proofs that ground Christian conviction. Justin also goes on to cite, almost in its entirety, the amazing prophecy of the Suffering Servant from chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah. “[H]ear what was…said by Isaiah,” Justin writes, “‘Because they delivered His soul to death, and... Continue Reading
How Did We Get Here
What we have today in evangelicalism.
While one might think of the Christian life as a journey, what is important is that one makes certain the path on which the journey takes place is the right path—the straight and narrow according to Jesus. However, as the extract of Douglas A. Sweeney’s The Essential Evangelicalism Dialectic shows: “In the fifty years since... Continue Reading
Praise God for Boring Days
What agony has taught me.
Each day, like providential fireworks, God’s grace lights up our lives. Just like John the Baptist, each exploding glory is meant to call us out of our spiritual stupor. Each testifies to our soul about the light. Yet more often than not, we are deaf to these calls and blind to their brilliance. “Praise... Continue Reading
Strengthen My Hands
Nehemiah would not be deterred.
Nehemiah’s response to the fear tactics of the enemy was to turn to God. “O God, strengthen my hands” (Neh. 6:9). He did not cower but he did realize his need for God. The Lord was his refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. The strength needed was not simply to withstand but to... Continue Reading
The Most Important Thing
Difference between trusting him and dismissing him.
To think little or not at all about the centerpiece of history, is to guarantee that you will have no place in heaven. It is not enough to merely be religious by going to church on holidays or even every Sunday, or doing a few other well-meaning duties. It is not religion that makes you... Continue Reading
Twice Wrapped and Laid
How cloths framed the life of Jesus.
Birth and burial. In Luke’s Gospel, the scene of Jesus’s birth involved him being wrapped and laid, and the scene of Jesus’s death involved him being wrapped and laid. Mary wrapped him in Luke 2:7, and Joseph of Arimathea wrapped him in Luke 23:53. In 2:7 Jesus was laid in a manger, and in 23:53... Continue Reading
Except in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Faith in Christ fulfilling the law on our behalf.
The peace and mercy of God are only for those who place their entire confidence only in what Christ has done for them and not in anything that they are able to do. You see, the beauty of the new creation is that it is like the original creation in the sense that the creation... Continue Reading
We Are the Temple
We, as the church, get to usher people into God’s presence.
When Solomon built the temple in 1 Kings 6, he paid attention to some intricate details. If I’m honest, I often blow past them. After all, what does the width of doors, or the kinds of wood and stone used for the interior of the temple, have to do with me today? I believe the... Continue Reading
Brought into His Own Presence
Hallelujah for the Father, orchestrating the great rescue!
God knew what was coming. He would one day send His Son, the Adam of a new Kingdom to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. He was born into this earth as a man, lived and died, and rose again to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could... Continue Reading
Caitlin Clark, Our Sinful Nature, and the Economics of Sports
Do American audiences really care about women’s professional basketball?
I’d like to gently suggest that economics, not race, is the real story here. Time is trying to sell magazines. ESPN is trying to sell subscriptions to its services and ads during its televised content. The NBA is trying to sell you on the idea that it cares about professional women’s basketball even though audiences have proven... Continue Reading
The Sorrowing Have a Savior
Lessons from Spurgeon’s depression.
Spurgeon points to the sorrowing Savior to defend those of us who experience depression from people like Job’s friends, friends too hasty with their help. Is another’s sorrow and fear warranted and proportional to what he or she is experiencing? After all, to cry about crying things and to feel frightened by frightening things are... Continue Reading
The Importance of Spiritual Gifts
Each church member is to use his or her Christ-given gifts.
There are many different kinds of gifts that God gives His people (see, for example, 1 Cor. 12:8-10, 28-30; Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Pet. 4:11). We should help one another recognize our gifts and encourage one another to use them for the edification of the church. Our gifts are “for building up the body of Christ”... Continue Reading
A More Protestant America?
For the nation to be a city on a hill, the church must itself shine within the city.
So how can America become more Protestant? That project is not mainly political or even cultural but evangelistic, ecclesial, and catechetical. Churches will need to focus on making new converts, reclaiming lost converts, and teaching their own flocks about the Protestant tradition. They will have to be less afraid to identify as “Protestant” or as... Continue Reading
Moral and Positive Law in the Sabbath
Perceiving the moral-positive law distinction in the Fourth Commandment, Christians should be strengthened in their personal conviction and better prepared to make that day a delight.
The bottom line is that the Sabbath’s moral component is two-fold: first, the purpose of the Sabbath is for rest and worship (with allowance – as Jesus taught – for genuine works of necessity and acts of mercy/piety); and, second, one-seventh portion of time is to be consecrated to God (Exodus 20:8-11). For brevity’s... Continue Reading
He Really Is Working All Things After the Counsel of His Will
It all matters to God. He is always working.
Maybe you failed significantly this year. Maybe you feel like you’re wandering in a purposeless wilderness. But don’t be “governed by present appearances”! The truth is far better: God “works all things after the counsel of his will” (Eph. 1:11). You can’t mess up his plan. And there is a plan, even in the small... Continue Reading
A Holy Nation
A royal priest are we.
We are priests of God, and as such we are called to a certain quality of life and a certain commonality of function. All believers are called to be holy, as God is holy—that is, to increase in Christlikeness day by day, that the perfect holiness of Jesus might increase in us and manifest itself... Continue Reading
The Darkness Does Not Win
Our confidence is rooted in history; our faith is based on fact.
If God can summon light into existence when there was only darkness, surely he can send his light into the world with assurance of complete success, no matter how impossible the odds. For this is the miracle and the wonder of Christmas: The Light of the world was born in the darkness of night, as... Continue Reading
A NAME Above All Names
God’s name is not a casual thing. It’s the banner under which we live, the identity we carry, and the truth we proclaim.
God’s name is holy. It is not to be spoken lightly, lived casually, or carried thoughtlessly. So how should we respond? By treasuring His name. By reflecting His character. By living in a way that proclaims to the world that God is worthy. This isn’t about legalism or guilt. It’s about awe. In the... Continue Reading
A 3D God in a 2D World
If God entered into the world He made, what would that be like?
Jesus often spoke of another world that should govern how we live in this one. That’s not to say this world doesn’t matter…Jesus was opening our eyes to realities that had prior to been unseen. “Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” —C.S. Lewis... Continue Reading
Of Pardons
No payment whatsoever was made for Hunter Biden’s sins since Joe Biden has not and cannot provide any kind of atonement for those sins.
A true pardon is only something a King can grant and herein lies very good news for us all, including Hunter Biden- The King of the Universe grants a full, complete, just, and satisfying pardon, to all those who place their trust in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as their substitute. I have... Continue Reading