If faithfulness to Christ is the call that stands above all others, at what point do we become unfaithful to Christ by remaining in fellowship with those who are denying Christ in their teaching or behaviour? If our overarching calling is faithfulness, at what point are we so compromised in our affiliations that we have become unfaithful? Your answer may well be ‘never’.
Our call is to faithfulness. That should be the watchword of all ministry. We are not called to great success or large platforms, but to faithfulness to Christ.
Unlike what we are frequently told, there is no great hierarchy on which the Lord sits at the top, your wife second, your family third, your job fourth, etc, etc. The reality is we are called to be faithful to Christ above all. Our one priority is faithfulness to Christ.
It clearly follows, if we are faithful to Christ, we will love our wife, care for our family, serve in the church, reach the lost, and all the other kind of things the Lord also calls us to do. But these are not orders of priority exactly. These are all means of honouring Christ and being faithful to him.
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