Where in these United States can I now go to purchase a slave? Nowhere; and it would be to my ruin if I tried. Why? Because the abolitionists kept speaking in love until slavery became unthinkable. Pro-lifers will do the same until it becomes unthinkable to destroy a child in the womb, poison or mutilate an adolescent body, or euthanize the aged, the infirm, or the depressed.
The President signs 9 executive orders, with the result that pro-life advocates are pardoned, pro-abortion NGO’s are defunded, and the personhood of the unborn—from the moment of conception—is affirmed. Massive rallies (panned by the MSM) are held around the country; and in Washington D.C. the President, Vice President, Speaker Johnson, Senate leader Thune, and Governor Dauntless (Ron DeSantis) all declare their commitment to the sanctity and protection of human life. Key candidates for the new cabinet affirm the same, a new poll shows that Americans want major restrictions on abortion, and a new report from Texas shows that pro-life laws in the red states are working as intended. Echoing their President, pro-lifers exclaim, “So much winning!” And they rejoice.
But they are not surprised. That’s because their faith leads them to expect just such things. Please permit a retired pastor and long-time pro-life activist to shed some light on that faith, which many pro-lifers believe is the driving force behind all true spiritual progress in our nation, the West, and the world.
The Fox and the Hedgehog
Famously—if rather cryptically—the Greek poet Archilocus wrote, “The fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” He meant, I think, that the proud and clever fox knows many little ways to take the hedgehog’s life, whereas the humble hedgehog knows only one big way to preserve it: He must hide himself in his home.
And so it is with pro-lifers. Yes, cunning anti-life forces know many little ways to impose their regime of for-profit death and destruction upon the ignorant, fearful, selfish, and unsuspecting (as, for example, when they recently enticed voters in seven bluish states to approve extreme abortion ballot initiatives). But pro-lifers, most of whom are Christians, eschew every such tactic, knowing that there is only one big way to prevail: They must hide themselves in their spiritual home: the living God.
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