How then is the kingdom of God in the midst of these unbelieving, soon-to-be homicidal Pharisees? The kingdom of God was in their midst because the King of that kingdom was among them. He had fulfilled prophecies and done miracles before them, proving that He was the Messiah and rightful ruler.
Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20–21).
“The kingdom of God is within you.” That’s what Jesus said. Do these words imply a spiritual kingdom? Did Jesus defy first-century expectations of a physical kingdom of God on earth by replacing it with a spiritual kingdom where He reigns in the hearts of men?
The Context of the Kingdom Within
Before building a doctrine on this verse, let’s check out the context. To whom was Jesus speaking? A quick check shows that His audience was the Pharisees. They had asked a question about the timing of the kingdom of God. Yet, their rejection of Jesus as Messiah and king of that kingdom had already become evident. They had attributed Jesus’ power in casting out a demon to Beelzebub, the prince of demons (Matthew 12:24). Even as they asked their question, they were plotting to kill Jesus (Matthew 16:21; Luke 11:53–54).
Did Jesus really say that the kingdom of God was within these Pharisees?
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