Over the last couple of years there has been a desire on the part of some in the three Presbyteries to dissolve the MJCCW and have each Presbytery affiliate its campus ministries directly with RUM-GA. This led to the recommendations from the MJCCW that has come before each Presbytery.
At its stated meeting on May 10, Grace Presbytery voted to approve the recommendations of the Mississippi Joint Committee on Campus Work (MJCCW) to dissolve the present structure for campus ministries and to affiliate with Reformed University Ministries (RUM) of the PCA General Assembly.
Normally, Presbyteries meet within their own region; but Grace was invited to meet this time at Belhaven University in Jackson, Miss., which is outside of its geographical area of southern Mississippi.
On May 3, Mississippi Valley Presbytery voted to approve the same recommendations to change its campus ministry affiliation. The recommendations, addressed to the three Mississippi Presbyteries, Grace, Mississippi Valley and Covenant, had been approved by the current MJCCW by a 8-2 vote. Covenant Presbytery will consider these same recommendations at its stated meeting on May 24.
If all three Presbyteries adopt the MJCCW recommendations, then each Presbytery will negotiate its own relationship with RUM-GA. However, a new joint committee will be formed that will have a different structure and oversight responsibilities of the campus works.
Reformed University Ministries began in Grace Presbytery at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg in the mid-1970s. As the ministry spread to other universities in Mississippi, it led to the three Mississippi Presbyteries to coordinate their campus ministries by developing the MJCCW. Rev. Mark Lowrey was called as the first MJCCW Coordinator.
In 1982 RUM became a part of the PCA’s Mission to North America (MNA). When Mark Lowrey was appointed to oversee this ministry, James “Bebo” Elkin was appointed as the next MJCCW Coordinator, a position he held until resigning at the end of 2010.
In 1998, the PCA General Assembly moved RUM from MNA and approved it as one of its program committees. However, because the MJCCW pre-dated the formation of RUM-GA, it maintained its own identity and internal structure.
Over the last couple of years there has been a desire on the part of some in the three Presbyteries to dissolve the MJCCW and have each Presbytery affiliate its campus ministries directly with RUM-GA. This led to the recommendations from the MJCCW that has come before each Presbytery.
Grace heard from one its current MJCCW members, Dr. David Jussely, who urged the Presbytery to adopt the MJCCW recommendations. He stated that the issue was not about personalities, but that it was time to move on under a new committee and working with RUM-GA..
Grace Presbytery had extended the privilege of the floor to Dr. Ligon Duncan, a member of Mississippi Valley Presbytery, who also urged the adoption of the recommendations.
The discussion on the recommendations centered some on the circumstances that led to the recommendations. However, as one presbyter observed, after the questions about the recommendations were asked and answered, there was little else that could be done but vote. The motion to approve the recommendations passed on a voice vote.
Before the vote on the recommendations was taken, the Presbytery received assurance that a motion would be allowed afterwards to erect a committee to draft a resolution of thanks commending the current MJCCW members and RUM-MS Coordinator, Bebo Elkin. When this motion was made, it was assumed that such a resolution would be drafted before the meeting adjourned and reported to the Presbytery. However, late in the afternoon, Presbytery changed the committee charged with this task to a commission with instructions that the resolution of thanks be written as soon as possible and be distributed widely.
Some Presbytery members signed a protest near the end of the meeting because they were disturbed that the committee to draft the resolution of thanks was not appointed in a timely manner to allow it to report to Presbytery before it adjourned.
One presbyter observed, “It appeared to me that Grace Presbytery recognized that an administrative decision needed to be made so that a Reformed witness might continue on the campuses within the three Presbyteries but it also believed that some sort of pastoral action is still needed to resolve some remaining issues.”
Given the nature of the issues within the MJCCW and the three supporting Presbyteries, the MJCCW recommendations also urged a fresh start with new members on the newly formed joint committee. The resolution urged that no current members of the MJCCW be elected to the new joint committee, and that Covenant, Grace, and Mississippi Valley Presbyteries elect new members from their respective courts. Further, the resolution recommended that Dr. Duncan, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, be named to the committee as its convener.
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