In 1896, Dr. Strickler was called to the Chair of Systematic Theology in Union Theological Seminary succeeding the professorship of C. R. Vaughan. His call to Union was his last ministerial move and though he was not an industrious writer, the students and faculty greatly respected his teaching and persuasive method. He was not a professor of great new insights but instead relied heavily on the works of the instructor from whom he learned theology, Robert L. Dabney.
In Southern Presbyterian Worthies, John M. Wells describes the setting of scenic Strickler’s Springs—
Near the center of Rockbridge County, Virginia, in the very heart of the Valley of Virginia, rises a massive peak known from its shape as House Mountain. Rugged, square, imposing, it may be seen from every part of the county.…Someone has said…that the peak has stamped its impress upon the people of that country. They are larger in size, more massive in their thinking, stronger in character, because for generations they have been looking upon the great mountain (180).
It was within this setting that Givens Brown Strickler was born April 25, 1840 to Joseph and Mary Jane (Brown) Strickler. The boy was trained doctrinally with the Bible and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. His early education was accomplished with tutors and in local schools. Briefly, he left home and worked as a printer with a newspaper in Lynchburg before entering Washington College (currently Washington and Lee University) in Lexington in 1858. At the time the college president was Rev. George Junkin. Another educational institution in Lexington not far from Washington College is the Virginia Military Institute, which would soon find its students and faculty in active service. Professor Thomas J. Jackson would cease delivering his monotone lectures on artillery, acoustics, mechanics, astronomy, and physics to join the Confederate Army and practice what he really knew, as young Strickler would soon find out, the art of war.
In April 1861, the Civil War began and G. B. Strickler joined other students in the nation putting aside their studies to enter the conflict. He was initially a corporal in the Liberty Hall Volunteers. As the war continued, Strickler fought under the command of Jackson in the Stonewall Brigade, was promoted to sergeant, then lieutenant, and finally captain. After Jackson’s friendly-fire death at Chancellorsville, Strickler led his company at Gettysburg but was captured, imprisoned at Ft. McHenry, then transferred to Johnson’s Island. While in prison he taught the basics to fellow prisoners some of whom had little if any education, read to them, was president of the oratory club, and conducted religious services. When Strickler suggested to one of his friends he was corresponding with in another prison that they write in Greek, the friend survived the embarrassment of not knowing Greek by telling Strickler that the officer in charge of the prison would not allow such uncommon writing and would likely think is was a secret code (not a bad idea).
When the war ended, Givens returned to Washington College during the presidency of Robert E. Lee and graduated with distinction in 1867. He continued at the college for the next session as an instructor of Latin before entering Union Seminary in 1868. While completing his seminary studies his proficiency in Greek provided the opportunity to assist the faculty teaching the language. Strickler was licensed to preach September 2, 1870. After testing his gifts as a licentiate he was ordained and installed by Lexington Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS), May 19, 1871 in the Tinkling Spring Church in Augusta County. During his pastorate he married Mary Frances Moore who was a member of the Falling Springs Church near Natural Bridge. He continued ministry for nearly thirteen years at rural Tinkling Spring Church before transitioning to a major city church for his next call.
Strickler moved south from Virginia to Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta Georgia in 1883. When he left Tinkling Spring, the church had almost three hundred communicant members but his new call to Central provided the opportunity to minister to a congregation of over four hundred. At the time of his installation the congregation was torn by dissension, but through his efforts at reconciliation, peace was achieved.
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