Amid this world’s darkness, the Enemy’s relentless attacks, and the weakness of our flesh, we are continually finding grace from our Father, even in the wilderness. In fact, especially in the wilderness. And why is that grace so abundant? “I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore, I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” His persistent love—even in our rebellion and pain—keeps drawing us back to Himself.
If we ask our Gracious Father, He will show us something new about Himself, His Son, and His Spirit every day. It is His delight to thrill our hearts by giving us a never-ending view of Him-Who-Is-All. He knows we need this spiritual exhilaration, for if we do not regularly “taste of the love of Christ,” as Flavel said, “our souls will go in silent search of other lovers.”
In the Midst
When we are in pain, we need this insight most. The Enemy is present there. He loves to exploit these moments by whispering in our ears that our God is not loving or kind. If we don’t recognize his lies and mindlessly grant him access, our relationship of faith with the Father will be severely damaged.
This is why we must read our Bibles and pray. We must experientially come into God’s presence each day, particularly in times of hardship, and say, “Show me Yourself, O, Lord.” And He will. It is our only antidote.
The Israelite Lesson
God had chosen a people for Himself. Despite their continual waywardness, His love was, and is, ever-lasting.
At one point in her history, Israel had rebelled against God and turned aside to idols once again.
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