We in the Fellowship proclaim salvation in Christ alone, strive to live in obedience to Scripture alone, and go into the world for God’s glory alone.
This past February The Aquila Report ran a story about a group of larger PC(USA) churches who were preparing for the possibility of the proposed change in the constitution of the denomination to allow for the ordination of homosexual clergy.
With the vote in a Minnesota region earlier this week which paves the way for this change to be put into place, this new group – known as Fellowship PC(USA) has released plans to start a ‘new Reformed body without leaving the PC(USA)
The content of the plan has been made public and is printed below for the convenience of our readers.
May 4, 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It’s startling that only three months have passed since we issued a White Paper calling for a new way through our denominational turmoil. We have developed an Advisory Board broadly representative of our movement and nearly 550 people have signed on as supporters (leadership and supporters listed at www.fellowship-pcusa/supporters).
We also continue meet with various groups in the PC(USA).
The landscape continues to change with the imminent passage of Amendment 10-A. An executive presbyter recently said that 10-A’s change of ordination standards will have the effect of an earthquake, but the sensation you feel will be very dependent on your location: some will feel shaking that rips apart the building, others will only notice dishes falling off the wall, still others may feel nothing beyond what they read in the newspaper. Your context may well determine your response, but all of us are impacted by this seismic change. Amendment 10-A provides a not-so-subtle shift in words, from “Obedience to Scripture” (G.6) to being “Guided by Scripture” (10-A). We as a Fellowship choose to remain obedient to Scripture and guided by The Book of Order.
In this time of upheaval, we sense emerging clarity about something new being born. The two statements in the White Paper that provoked the most response now seem like guidelines: “deathly ill” requires radical change, and “like-minded” calls for new connections. Between now and our Gathering in August, we intend to take steps toward a new way of connecting.
We are committed to starting a new Reformed body without leaving the PC(USA).
We are focusing on four areas to mark a new connectionism:
1. Reclaim Our Core Theological Identity. This will include a set of essentials around which we gather, using “Union in Christ” as a foundation. (the current version of “Union in Christ” is posted at www.fellowship-pcusa.org/documents).
2. Refresh Our Relational Unity. This begins with a new role for presbyteries, refocusing on encouragement and our identity as transforming communities. We will form theological subsets within several current presbyteries and petition for 10-15 new presbyteries to be recognized in the near term. Approved or not, these new, small entities will begin and pilot the kind of networking already modeled by some presbyteries. Other variations in polity and alignment will follow once there is permission for more non-geographic presbyteries to form.
3. Renew Our Leadership Vitality. We recognize that we have a leadership development crisis in the denomination and in many of our congregations, and we need flexibility for new models of ordination and preparation.
4. Release the Gospel Locally. We are committed to forming new communities of all configurations, marked by a missional focus.
One question has come from many on both ends of the current theological spectrum: why don’t you just leave the PC(USA) now? We believe that forcing a “go/stay” decision upon congregations will be painful and divisive. Further, jumping to another denomination just perpetuates current practices without allowing our congregations time to discern how they can benefit from a healthy form of connectionalism in a post-denominational world. A premature, forced choice will result in fewer congregations experiencing the joyful and expansive future to which we are committed, and will provoke more of the acrimony we see in so many other mainline denominations. We believe living out a new reality “in place” gives the possibility of a form of “dual citizenship.” We value our sisters and brothers and many aspects of our Presbyterian tradition: a common commitment to global missions, great work happening in many ministries of the denomination (e.g. the Office of Evangelism), solid performance from the Presbyterian Foundation, a strong Board of Pensions, and more.
Sustained movements cannot be driven from the top down but must be lived out in the grassroots. The Gathering in August will include several examples of initiatives that are bringing health and hope while renewing ministry. We also hope to model some of what we aspire to have in national gatherings with shared worship, vision, and learning together. The call to join our Fellowship will be clear but only as the next step in a journey together as we follow Christ out into the world.
We are committed to starting a new Reformed body without leaving the PC(USA).
Reclaim Our Core Theological Identity (with essential beliefs)
Refresh Our Relational Unity (with new structures)
Renew Our Leadership Vitality (with new ordination/preparation models)
Release the Gospel Locally (with new missional communities)
We in the Fellowship proclaim salvation in Christ alone, strive to live in obedience to Scripture alone, and go into the world for God’s glory alone.
In proclaiming salvation in Christ alone, we seek to reverse the decline of our denomination by growing congregations and planting new ones to lead people into a transformational relationship with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In obedience to Scripture alone, we live in tension with many of the cultural trends of our time while seeking by God’s grace to live holy lives.
In going into the world for God’s glory alone, we equip and send believers to join God’s mission to the world, entering neighborhoods, workplaces, and realms of human need to join God in His redemptive mission to all people.
The Fellowship is a covenant community of congregations and individuals — committed to learning from each other, sharing best practices, and meeting annually. We share a deep passion for recruiting and training a gifted new generation to lead vibrant Reformed communities in the 21st century.
New Presbyteries (based on theology and affiliation more than geography)
Finances (we’ll reprioritize commitments as we start something new without leaving the old)
Ordination (different standards and educational tracks)
Withdrawal from “Old Fights” about Sexuality (no further attempts to change The Book of Order language)
Inclusion of Any Who Leave the PC(USA) Now (and help for those who seek a gracious withdrawal)
Fellowship Steering Committee:
Vic Pentz, Peachtree Presbyterian, Atlanta, GA
John Crosby, Christ Presbyterian, Edina, MN
David Peterson, Memorial Drive Presbyterian, Houston, TX
Jim Singleton, First Presbyterian, Colorado Springs, CO
David Swanson, First Presbyterian, Orlando, FL
Rich Kannwischer, St. Andrews, Newport Beach, CA
Mark Toone, Chapel Hill Presbyterian, Gig Harbor, WA
Tae-Hyung Ko, Good Shepherd Presbyterian, Rowland Heights, CA
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