As you get deeper into addiction, you get better and better at covering your tracks and deceiving other people. You believe your own lie that, “Things aren’t that bad.” You learn to hide your actions from family and healthy friends. You avoid God and the thought of God in every way you can. Honesty may sound simple and not complicated, but it may be the hardest part of recovery.
The road to change is a difficult, whether your circumstances were caused by your own choices or instead are a result of the actions and decisions of others. While nothing makes the journey “easy,” walking it out one step at a time with the support of your peers and a biblical community makes it achievable.
In the support group curriculum Overcoming Addiction: 9 Steps Toward Freedom, counselor Brad Hambrick provides participants with a safe and stable place to name what’s happening and turn to God. For those who are ready to admit that the use of alcohol and/or drugs has taken over their life in a significant way, Overcoming Addiction provides a 9-step framework to help readers reclaim their life and experience the freedom God wants for them. Hambrick helps those struggling with addiction find hope as they learn to be honest with God, themselves, and others.
In this interview, we talk to Brad about G4 groups and Overcoming Addiction.
Q: In What Setting Was Overcoming Addiction Designed to Be Used? How Is It Different from Typical Counseling Resources?
Overcoming Addiction and Navigating Destructive Relationships (which released at the same time) were written as a counseling curriculum, meaning they were written to facilitate a journey rather than to educate on a subject. When a book is written for education purposes, it starts with definitions and the history of the subject, then addresses core concepts one chapter at a time.
However, when you approach a subject as a counseling curriculum, you start at the beginning of an individual’s journey and incrementally address what is necessary to take the next step. For Overcoming Addiction, that means I started with helping the reader garner the motivation and commitment to change. Commitment to change is foundational to overcoming addiction, so as the reader is invited to assess their life and devise a plan to address their addiction, a continual effort is made to maintain motivation.
As curriculum, both books are designed so that people who complete their journey can use these books to lead a group-based counseling ministry at their church. We call this model G4 (learn more at While these books can be used as a structure for personal growth or individual counseling, they provide a counselee the opportunity (when he or she is ready), to use their growth to help others in their church and community find comparable freedom.
Q: What Is a G4 Peer Support and Recovery Group Ministry and How Does It Differ from Other Support Groups Such as Celebrate Recovery or AA?
In developing G4, my goal was to draw from the best of AA and Celebrate Recovery while tailoring G4 to allow for broader ministry within a local church. AA and Celebrate Recovery focus primarily on addiction. When they provide guidance for other struggles, they do so from an addiction paradigm. While their success rate indicates this approach can be effective, the fit between addiction and other life struggles can, at times, be strained.
The biggest difference between G4 and AA or Celebrate Recovery, is that instead of using one 12-step model or all struggles, we use two separate 9-step models; one model for responsibility-based struggles and another for suffering-based struggles. This is a significant difference, both theologically and therapeutically. It means that when your struggle doesn’t emerge from your choices and values, you aren’t made to feel responsible for it in order to find freedom.
Curriculum-based group counseling is highly effective and an excellent way maximize lay-helpers’ ability to use their life experience to help others. Having a large group time before breaking into subject-specific groups allows people to acclimate to the helping environment and provides a context to communicate the core values of the ministry.
My hope is that those who have benefited from AA and Celebrate Recovery will find that G4 honors what they found helpful while seeing how G4 is more tailored to the local church. For those who have concerns about the theological differences that exist with 12 step programs, I think they will find G4 curriculum to be Bible-based and gospel-centered in a way that alleviates these concerns.
Q: Does Overcoming Addiction Address All Types of Addiction, or Does It Focus on Certain Kinds of Addiction?
Overcoming Addiction focuses on substance-related addictions: alcohol, misused prescription meds, and drugs. It does not focus on more behavioral addictions like pornography (a future release, False Love, will address sexual addiction and pornography) or gambling.
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