Norwegian picked to lead World Council of Churches
Lutheran theologian Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the Church of Norway’s ecumenical and international council, has been chosen as the top executive of the World Council of Churches. His election as general secretary took place on August 27 in Geneva during a meeting of the WCC Central Committee. Tveit, 48, will succeed Samuel Kobia,... Continue Reading
Abortion support declines, nation now evenly split
Oct 1, 2009 The number of Americans expressing support for abortion is clearly declining, leaving the nation now evenly divided on the issue, according to results from a Pew survey released on Thursday. The survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People &... Continue Reading
Human irresponsibility to blame for Manila deluge, say churches
Manila (ENI). Philippine church leaders have blamed “man’s sins” as the cause of massive floods following a tropical storm that claimed more than 240 lives and adversely affected almost two million people. The floods submerged most of metropolitan Manila and neighboring provinces following the nine-hour storm “Ketsana” on 26 September, locally known as “Ondoy”. The... Continue Reading
Polish Lutherans shy away from new call for women pastors
Jonathan Luxmoore Warsaw (ENI). A leader of Poland’s Lutheran church has rejected accusations from an international conference of theologians that the church’s refusal to ordain women as pastors amounts to “structural violence”. Jerzy Sojka, spokesperson for the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, which has 80,000 members, told Ecumenical News International that the... Continue Reading
The ‘Graying’ of Oldline Churches
by John Dart, Christian Century Amid their “slow but general retreat” this decade in terms of financial health and membership, the oldline Protestant churches are especially hampered by the aging of their memberships, a new study says. 22 percent of mainline churches surveyed reported that at least half of their members were over 65, whereas... Continue Reading
Supreme Court to consider fate of Mojave Cross
By Adelle Banks WASHINGTON (RNS) Does an offended observer who drives by a cross-shaped war memorial in the middle of the desert have a right to call for its removal? And can that 7-foot cross stand without violating the constitution’s prohibition of government establishment of religion? The Supreme Court will consider those questions in the... Continue Reading
Reformed Pastor Preaches on the Proper Role of Ministers
By Lillian Kwon, Christian Post Reporter A minister who preaches on the authority and infallibility of Scripture is often accused of being arrogant, said one pastor. Such criticism, however, is withheld from someone who sits on a stool in a cardigan and chats with the congregation, telling personal stories. Criticizing the latter form, Doug Wilson,... Continue Reading
Evangelicals Urged to Heed Calvin’s Voice
By Lillian Kwon Christian Post Reporter Sept 26, 2009 Hundreds of Reformed believers passionate about preaching the Scriptures and making Christ known convened in Minneapolis over the weekend of September 25, 2009, for three days of talks centered on the life and teachings of John Calvin. Lamenting that many churches today have lost confidence in... Continue Reading
Regulatory Czar: Government must fund abortion
Declares ‘no problem’ forcing taxpayers with religious, moral conflict By Aaron Klein © 2009 WorldNetDaily The government should be required to fund abortion in cases such as rape or incest, argues President Obama’s newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein. “I have argued that the Constitution … forbids government from refusing to pay the expenses of... Continue Reading
State to mom: Watching neighbors’ kids breaks law
Lisa Snyder’s home is right in front of the bus stop — one reason why she offered to watch neighborhood children during the minutes before the school bus arrived. That simple act prompted a warning from the state: Continue and she would be running an illegal day care, violating state law. On Tuesday, the governor... Continue Reading