The Rise of Barbie and Rambo
With the introduction of artificial contraception, women became sterile sex objects and men became their emasculated fashion accessories.
Far be it from me to be curmudgeonly about a child’s toy, but on the other hand, what exactly is child-like about the Barbie doll? With her pneumatic chest and pouting expression, if she is a teenager her name is Lolita. In fact, Ruth Handler, the creator of the Barbie doll, borrowed the idea from... Continue Reading
Climate Change: A Biblical Perspective
A brief biblical perspective on climate change.
A naturalistic worldview dominates public policy on climate change in California and elsewhere. Naturalism posits that the universe evolved through random physical processes. This entails that our earth is extremely fragile, and that man, who is often viewed as a clumsy Johnny-come-lately, could completely destroy it…A biblical worldview posits that God is the creator, sustainer,... Continue Reading
Brazil’s Supreme Court Lifts Ban on Netflix Film Depicting Jesus as Gay
On Thursday, the higher court's ruling struck down the lower court’s ban with the President of Brazil’s Supreme Court, Justice José Antonio Dias Toffoli, stating that freedom of expression is a fundamental right of democracy.
“A piece of satire is not going to undermine the values of Christian faith, which has been around for more than 2,000 years,” the court’s president wrote. Netflix nor Porta dos Fundos have commented on the ruling. “Jesus, who’s hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so... Continue Reading
LGBTQ History Lessons Will Soon be Mandatory in NJ Classrooms; 12 Schools to Pilot Program
The law requires that middle and high school students learn about the social, political and economic contributions of LGBTQ people but leaves it up to local districts to determine how to teach those lessons.
“We want students to see themselves in the stories that are told,” said Ashley Chiappano, safe schools and community education manager for Garden State Equality, the advocacy group leading the pilot program. “We want to make sure they are getting accurate, appropriate and historically relevant information about the community and the strides that have been... Continue Reading
My Predictions for 2020
Can we know anything for certain beyond death and taxes?
I haven’t heard or read too many predictions for 2020 even though it’s that time of year when pundits of various stripes stare into their crystal ball and give us their insights. Alas, in these days of the internet, failed prediction retrieval is often only a click or two away. The last several years... Continue Reading
“Born That Way” No More: The New Science of Sexual Orientation
Late last month, a team of MIT and Harvard scientists published a landmark study of the genetic basis for sexual orientation in the journal Science.
The logic of these two results—low heritability and high polygenicity—clearly demonstrate that the dominant cultural narrative about sexual orientation—which sees homosexual persons as a distinctly bounded biological class of people who were “born that way”—simply cannot be true. A new study adds to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that the dominant narrative about... Continue Reading
Physical Interventions on the Bodies of Children to “Affirm” their “Gender Identity” Violate Sound Medical Ethics and Should be Prohibited
We want to offer readers our best take on what is at stake: the anthropology, ideology, and ethics at issue.
We argue that “gender affirmation” procedures violate sound medical ethics, that it is profoundly unethical to reinforce a male child in his belief that he is not a boy (or a female child in her belief that she is not a girl), and that it is particularly unethical to intervene in the normal physical development... Continue Reading
Hillsdale College Receives $4.6M After It Sues Mizzou For Ignoring Donor’s Wishes
Hibbs’ success in finance had introduced him to the Austrian economists — and as his legacy, he hoped to leave new generations with the knowledge that had influenced him.
Hibbs, realizing that the University of Missouri may not follow through with his wishes, had stipulated the university check in with Hillsdale every four years as to how the money was being spent. If Mizzou wasn’t honoring the terms, the funding would revert to Hillsdale … When it became obvious to Hillsdale that Mizzou was... Continue Reading
Algorithm Religion
Even now we are just beginning to wrestle with the implications of artificial intelligence (AI).
The self-driving car is coming. We anticipate it with a mixture of bemusement, disquiet, and excitement, all converging in disbelief: It’s not possible, not really. But it is not just possible but a virtual—so to speak—certainty, within perhaps a decade. It’s 2032 and you’re heading into town in your self-driving car. You are alone,... Continue Reading
New Archbishop of York: ‘Bible Has To Fit The Current Culture’
It would be wrong to ignore the “damage” that is done by rejecting Western society’s current view of human sexuality.
While Bishop Cottrell did acknowledge biblical passages spoke about the issue, he said they were merely “part of our story and our inheritance”. “But what we can do is recognise that what we know now about human development and human sexuality requires us to look again at those texts to see what they are actually... Continue Reading
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