Three Mysteries in the Lord Jesus Christ
He is more than double a king.
Where will you set Christ? Where will you get a seat, a throne, a chair for Him? He cannot be set too high. Nay, if there were ten thousand times ten thousand heavens, and each to be above another, and Christ to be set in the highest of them all, yet He would be too... Continue Reading
The Thief’s Good Works
The thief had faith, so he necessarily performed good works.
In verse 42, the thief said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” By acknowledging that Jesus has a kingdom, the thief affirmed Christ’s lordship… Beza observes that the Gospel accounts emphasize how the disciples scattered, with only John remaining at the cross. None of the Twelve spoke on Jesus’s behalf or testified... Continue Reading
Martin Luther: Theologian of the Cross
“The cross alone is our theology” became a rallying cry for Martin Luther’s followers. It still is today.
It’s not always people who appear good, beautiful, and powerful by worldly standards who truly know God. (After all, Jesus didn’t look glorious on the cross.) “One deserves to be called a [true] theologian,” Martin wrote, “who sees God even in suffering.” The Bible says that even broken and weak sinners can know God if... Continue Reading
Justin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Messianic Prophecy
The "strongest and truest evidence.”.
Fulfilled prophecies and testimonies, not beliefs “governed by passion,” are the proofs that ground Christian conviction. Justin also goes on to cite, almost in its entirety, the amazing prophecy of the Suffering Servant from chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah. “[H]ear what was…said by Isaiah,” Justin writes, “‘Because they delivered His soul to death, and... Continue Reading
He Really Is Working All Things After the Counsel of His Will
It all matters to God. He is always working.
Maybe you failed significantly this year. Maybe you feel like you’re wandering in a purposeless wilderness. But don’t be “governed by present appearances”! The truth is far better: God “works all things after the counsel of his will” (Eph. 1:11). You can’t mess up his plan. And there is a plan, even in the small... Continue Reading
Henry A. Boardman, “This Is Not Your Rest”
Dr. Henry Boardman delivered this sermon New Year 1866 while pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.
Dr. Boardman was born in Troy, New York, January 9, 1808. He was a brilliant student at Yale graduating first in his class in 1829. He then studied for the ministry in Princeton Theological Seminary. He was ordained and installed the pastor of Tenth Church on November 8, 1833. His hand never came from the... Continue Reading
The Story of the Monk Who Changed the World
Teaching God’s word was Luther’s new job, a role that would change both him and the world.
In the fall of 1511, the two men sat under a pear tree in front of the Black Cloister monastery, Martin’s new home in Wittenberg. There Staupitz gave Martin some unwelcome news. Martin had a new assignment: “You will be a preacher and a teacher of the Bible.” Martin panicked. “I’m not qualified,” he said. Then,... Continue Reading
Waist-Deep in War: The Legacy of a Hero
Culture Warrior: Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency fully documents what Wildmon did throughout his lifetime to strengthen the moral foundations of society.
AFA Vice President Wesley Wildmon believes his grandfather’s unwavering obedience to God was the cornerstone of the legacy he wanted the film to convey – especially for the sake of AFA’s faithful listeners and supporters. “We hope that viewing this documentary,” Wesley stated, “will help them re-fan the flame to continue doing what we are all... Continue Reading
A Devotional on the Most Glorious of Birthdays by Charles Spurgeon
Spurgeon’s goal is to lead us to tally up our reasons for being joyful at Christmastime.
Spurgeon’s meditation keeps the focus on the announced subject, which is why we should be supremely happy about the birth of Christ. It is a simple idea, but Spurgeon keeps unfolding more and more nuances, until we begin to think that the subject is inexhaustible. The starting point is the message of the angels to... Continue Reading
A Devotional on the Excellency of Christ Seen in Christmas by Jonathan Edwards
The way in which Edwards gets us to see the complementary sides of the incarnation is subtle and masterful.
Christ’s incarnation was a greater and more wonderful thing than ever had yet come to pass. The creation of the world was a very great thing, but not so great as the incarnation of Christ. It was a great thing for God to make the creature, but not so great as for the Creator himself... Continue Reading