Why Low Expectations Cheat Our Church Members
Last summer, my parents introduced me and my wife to a European board game called The Settlers of Catan. This award-winning game has become wildly popular, especially among college students. But Settlers is hard to play. The game is expensive. The rules are complicated. Each game requires more than an hour. To do well, you... Continue Reading
Calvin and the Atonement
The following is third in a series on Calvin. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the hinge on which all biblical revelation turns. Together with the resurrection of Christ, it is the apex of redemptive history. Everything prior to it anticipated it and was calculated by God to set it up and bring it to... Continue Reading
Fishing for news of religion and the religious
For the past several months I have spent several hours of most days on the web searching for news items that might be of interest to readers of The Aquila Report. While I wish there was enough news coming from our various denominations, churches, ministries and members each day (and I suspect there is more... Continue Reading
Hanukkah and The Manhattan Declaration
In December, the Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, an eight day feast in remembrance of the triumph of the Maccabees over the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes in the year 165 B.C. The story has a lesson for us. Antiochus promoted an ancient form of political correctness. He insisted that everyone give up their own religion and... Continue Reading
My Concerns with the Manhattan Declaration
This declaration continues this tendency to define “the gospel” as something other than the specific announcement of the forgiveness of sins and declaration of righteousness solely by Christ’s merits. The Manhattan Declaration, released November 20, 2009, firmly yet winsomely takes the stand in defense of truths that are increasingly undermined in contemporary Western societies, including... Continue Reading
Finally, an Honest Con Game
“This is not funny, this is serious stuff!” intones a flock of furrow-browed politicos about that well-dressed couple who conned their way into a White House shindig. Yes and no, in that order, because some of us think this incident is more than a little funny and really not all that serious. “They could have... Continue Reading
A Virus of Hatred Spreads Online
From the Editorial Board of the Colorado Springs Gazette A biology professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris, known as PZ “Little Paul” Myers, has no claim to fame beyond an infantile expression of bigotry that went viral, much like a flu virus. Though mostly forgotten, Myers is to an Internet hate virus what that... Continue Reading
Nielson: Why I Signed the Manhattan Declaration
By Dr. Niel Nielson, President, Covenant College Editor’s Note: Dr. Nielson was one of the original signers of the Manhattan Declaration and submitted the following statement at the request of The Aquila Report. I was pleased to sign the Manhattan Declaration for four principal reasons: 1. The convictions and commitments articulated in the Declaration (regarding... Continue Reading
Liberal Law Professor analysis of the Manhattan Declaration
(Editor’s Note: The following two extracts are taken from the Mirror of Justice Blog website, which is a blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.) Just a quick thanks to Rick for posting the link to the Manhattan Declaration, which I’ve finally just found a moment to read. I’d also like, in my... Continue Reading
Calvin the Missionary
This is the second in a series on John Calvin. Even though John Calvin (1509-1564) died 54 years before the Synod of Dort his name has been associated with the five points. They are nearly always called The Five Points of Calvinism even though Calvin had nothing to do with the formulation of them. On... Continue Reading