Communion: Making a Meal of It
“There is actually not that much debate about the Lord’s Supper these days, even in very conservative circles. It is not one of the hot topics we find regular articles about in Christianity Today or Interpretation or Christian Century.” So writes Dr. Ben Witherington in his wonderful book, “Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the... Continue Reading
7th Circuit Nominee & Nidal Hasan – PC Run Amok
This week, the Senate votes on President Obama’s nomination of District Court Judge David Hamilton to the Seventh Circuit. Because of Hamilton’s fundraising activities for ACORN, his leadership positions with the Indiana branch of the ACLU, his statements supporting judicial activism, and most importantly, his rulings putting liberal ideology above the rule of law, he... Continue Reading
What is Truth? Where is Truth?
According to Yahoo online pole on November 1, 2009 regarding Afghanistan, 65.48% of those responding were in favor of “Implement our new strategy with the 40,000 additional troops requested” and 15.95% favored “Withdraw all our troops and personnel from that country. We are a Republic (rule of constitutional law) and not a democracy (rule of... Continue Reading
A Reformation Martyr Comforts His Wife from Prison
The Belgic Confession is entirely unique – it is the only Reformation confession written by a martyr. As you read through the Confession, you know that it comes from a world where believers were regularly dying for their faith. This is our confession and because we confess a Catholic church, one that stretches not only... Continue Reading
Why Not Just Round ’em All Up?
At least for the time being, the award for the most hysterical overreaction to the Fort Hood murders goes to Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issue Analysis for the American Family Association. Fischer is not among those sticking his head in the sand about Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s Islamic motivations or associations, oh no. Instead,... Continue Reading
Second Place Nominee for Rude Dude of the Year
First Place for Rude Dude of 2009 has got to be Kanye West – without a doubt. His barging in on Taylor Swift’s moment of honor at the MTV awards is out of reach for anyone to try to take away. But the U. S. Media is trying hard today (Veteran’s Day, November 11) to... Continue Reading
Next Chapter for Dobson and Focus on the Family
Editorial from the Denver Post What does the future hold for the conservative Christian leader and the ministry he founded when he steps down next year? Love him or hate him, Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson has for more than a generation been a powerful force in our nation’s culture and politics.... Continue Reading
How Spiritual Renewal Helped Topple the Berlin Wall
By Dana Milbank It says much about the transformation of the Republican Party that even Newt Gingrich is now carrying the cross. When Gingrich came to power 15 years ago, his Contract With America was a document of fiscal conservatism that mentioned God only in passing. When he led the impeachment of Bill Clinton a... Continue Reading
Make nonprofits earn their status
Editorial from The DesMoines Register Twenty-three college presidents at private, nonprofit institutions earned more than $1 million last year. The Chronicle of Higher Education examined IRS filings of 419 such colleges and found one in four earned at least $500,000. In addition, many colleges were paying “former officers” more than $200,000. This is an example... Continue Reading
Did Christianity Cause the Crash?
by Hanna Rosin America’s mainstream religious denominations used to teach the faithful that they would be rewarded in the afterlife. But over the past generation, a different strain of Christian faith has proliferated—one that promises to make believers rich in the here and now. Known as the prosperity gospel, and claiming tens of millions of... Continue Reading