NFL and Concussions: What Are the Lessons?
Whether you are a football fan or not, names like Kurt Warner of the Arizona Cardinals, Kyle Turley of the Kansas City Chiefs, Brian Westbook of the Philadelphia Eagles, Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Clinton Portis of the Washington Redskins and Jamal Lewis of the Cleveland Browns will be familiar to you. These men... Continue Reading
Beware Post-Christmas Stress Disorder
Now that Christmas is past, I suspect symptoms of Post-Christmas Stress Disorder will be observed frequently (don’t ask what frequently means, just go with me here). Be sure to seek treatment at the first signs of trouble. Diagnostic Criteria for 311.5x Post-Christmas Stress Disorder: A. Four (or more) of the following symptoms have been present... Continue Reading
Social Justice – Biblical Style
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. -Amos 5:24 Amos 5:24 often finds a misplaced home amongst those who seek Biblical support for leftist political goals. Liberation theologists and other socialist-leaning activists try to claim it for their own. Liberal egalitarian John Rawls provided a philosophical defense of “justice... Continue Reading
The Travail of Tiger Woods — Lessons Not to Be Missed
The travail of Tiger Woods entered a new chapter as Accenture, a global consulting firm, severed all ties with the world’s most famous golfer. In doing so, Accenture became the first of Woods’s major sponsors to end its relationship with him. It is not likely to be the last. Tiger Woods’s fall from public favor... Continue Reading
John MacArthur: Wrong on the Manhattan Declaration
With nearly 300,000 citizens added to the original 189 signatories of the Manhattan Declaration, of which I was privileged to be one, opposition from the “outside” is not only natural but expected. Taking even reasoned, compassionate and principled stands of the sanctity of life, definition and integrity of marriage and vitality of religious freedom are... Continue Reading
On the ‘Religious Right,’ We Too Have a ‘Blind Side’
Commentary by Robert Peters, President of Morality in Media: “Moral and family issues (the focus of the “religious right”) and justice issues (the focus of the “religious left”) are often interrelated.” Over the Christmas weekend, my wife and I went to see “The Blind Side,” a film about an affluent white family in Memphis who... Continue Reading
A culture war cease-fire
It is 2009’s quiet story — quiet because it’s about what didn’t happen, which can be as important as what did. In this highly partisan year, we did not see a sharpening of the battles over religion and culture. Yes, we continued to fight over gay marriage, and arguments about abortion were a feature of... Continue Reading
White House Faith chief not easy to reach
Not long ago at a meeting of the nation’s religion writers in Minneapolis, reporters were seething about a particular no-show. President Obama’s point man on religion, Joshua DuBois, had been slated for months to address journalists about “Faith and Politics in the Obama White House.” Then, with less than two weeks to go before his... Continue Reading
Where Does the Story of Christmas Begin?
At Christmas our attention quickly goes to the familiar words of the infancy narratives found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. This is a healthy reflex. After all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ rests upon the historicity of the events that took place in Bethlehem as Christ was born. Our understanding of the identity... Continue Reading
Where Are The Moderate Muslims? Apparently not in the view of news editors!
Whether you call it Islamophobia or just plain reporting, Muslims are in the news and except for 20-second sound-bites from a local Eid celebration, it’s not good. There’s the persistent and popular debate on the hijab and Muslim women in general. There are wars waged or threatened in Muslim countries such as Iraq and Iran... Continue Reading