Really Helping Haiti
As I write this article, the death toll in Haiti because of the recent earthquake exceeds 100,000 souls. I have personally worked in Haiti spending extended periods of time in northwest Haiti overseeing a construction project when I worked for a cruise company. Because of this, I have some familiarity with life firsthand in Haiti... Continue Reading
An Amazing Article on Abortion in New York Magazine
Week by week, New York magazine offers insight into the culture and consciousness of the nation’s trendy population in Manhattan. This magazine, combined with The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, and The New Yorker, provides constant insight into the thinking of the New York elites. The magazine recently featured a major... Continue Reading
Either – Or: A Look at Faith and Law
Both/and is inclusive. Either/or is exclusive. Both/and creates allies. Either/or creates adversaries. Paul uses both/and a lot. Both men and women, Jews and Gentiles, freemen and slaves, barbarians and cultured. But, when it comes to faith and law in relationship to justification, Paul allows no both/and. It is either faith or law. Paul’s Contention about... Continue Reading
‘The Destiny of America,’ as spoken by Calvin Coolidge
In the period between the two World Wars, just before the crash of the Great Depression, Calvin Coolidge gave this speech as both a warning and an encouragement to the American people. The name of the speech is “The Destiny of America.” It states lessons which need to re-learned today: Settlers came here from mixed... Continue Reading
How does abortion relate to spreading a passion for the supremacy of God in all things?
The way I’ve thought about abortion over the years as a preacher—and I’m mainly a preacher, one who has to speak about abortion in the context of worship from the Bible—is to relate it to God. We always devote one Sunday (the Sanctity of Life Sunday) to abortion and one Sunday to racial harmony every... Continue Reading
Christian Myths: Why Bother Praying
As ministry opportunities permit I ask Christians about their prayer life. More often than I like to hear, the response I receive when asking about a Christian’s prayer life is, why bother? This objection also typically comes from Christians that have not developed the spiritual discipline of prayer in their lives. This objection to prayer... Continue Reading
Make Way for “Non-Human Persons?”
Having just observed the magnificent sight of humpback whales cavorting off the coast of Hawaii, I am all the more aware of just how incredible these mammals really are. While there may be any number of reasons why they act as they do, I find it very hard to believe that they are not having... Continue Reading
The Death of a Feminist
Radical theologian Mary Daly died Jan 3 at age 81, ending one of the most interesting and tragic careers in contemporary theology. Known for her exaggerated outspokenness, Daly took theological feminism to what she believed was its rightful and logical conclusion — to the absolute rejection of Christianity and all theistic conceptions of God. In... Continue Reading
A religious response to the financial crisis
One cold morning the week before Christmas, I found myself huddled with a group of homeowners and religious leaders on Pennsylvania Avenue, in the shadow of the White House and the Treasury building. The homeowners, who had all worked hard to buy their first homes, and most of whom had put enough money down to... Continue Reading
Bang For the Buck: Should We Support Missionaries or Nationals?
A new paradigm for missionary support is sweeping through our churches. It resonates powerfully with businessmen who often dominate our mission committees. Here’s the concept: Instead of supporting American missionaries, let’s invest in national workers. Bang for the buck, it is more cost effective. Americans require much more support. Salary, insurance, annuities and administrative fees... Continue Reading