The Truth is in the Bible, Not in Ourselves
“If you believe what you like in the Gospels, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.” –Augustine Every generation faces challenges regarding the veracity of the Bible: Is it really the Word of God and does it speak truthfully in every area that God intended? Apologists from... Continue Reading
How (not) to be an American Missionary in Scotland
Scotland is not the land of Mel Gibson, Brigadoon, quaint wee redheaded Highland lasses, Eric Liddell running in the Glens and John Knox preaching in the pulpits. This is an updated version of an article I wrote a number of years ago on the Free Church website. It received a lot of comment, especially from... Continue Reading
Sport Is More Than Play
The myriad of goods reflected in and derived from sport are part of the richness of our humanity. When athletes contest with one another, they revel in the very complex act of being human. Shirl Hoffman’s recent CT article, “Sports Fanatics,” questions an evangelical love for modern sports that confuses infatuation for true love. Repentance!... Continue Reading
The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment
“The Clintons remained seated, yet both—particularly the ever-politic Hillary—understood how behind-the-scenes power politics work within the Christian Right, and responded to the rebuke by finding “common ground” with the nun.“ At the National Prayer Breakfast, Hillary Clinton fondly remembered how Mother Teresa—or perhaps God—compelled her to encourage adoption. The behind-the-scenes story of how The Family... Continue Reading
Interview: Larry Crabb on God’s 66 Love Letters
“You see how far you’ve fallen? You see how difficult things have gotten in your inner world? And I want you to know that no matter how bad things are I’m still there and I’m never going to give up on you.” The books in the Bible can seem disconnected, even contradicting at times. Christian... Continue Reading
Will Christian Right join the Tea Party?
‘D. James Kennedy held rallies with names such as “Reclaiming America for Christ.” So far, it seems the Tea Partiers are mostly interested in reclaiming America for the Chamber of Commerce’ For what was presented as a rally of angry conservative Americans, last weekend’s National Tea Party Convention in Nashville was remarkably lacking in evangelical... Continue Reading
An Open Letter to the Evangelicals in the PCUSA
Brothers and Sisters, I have a hard word for you today. But it’s a word spoken in love. I was originally ordained to the ministry in the PCUSA, but I left in 2002 for the PCA. There was a time when I was angry at my fellow Evangelicals in the PCUSA. Now I am not,... Continue Reading
Total recalls – Let’s go for the guys who are really doing damage
It’s not just manufacturers and producers of goods that run the risk of colossal goof-ups. The purveyors of ideas and world views almost certainly are in a position to do as much damage among their various customers. Have you weighed how terrifying and unsettling life would be if all of us had to operate under... Continue Reading
Mandatory Sex Education for Ten-Year-Olds? Yours?
(Editor’s Note: We recommend that every parent, pastor, teaching and others who care about children read this blog article from Dr. Mohler) “IPPF calls for children and teenagers, along with young adults, to be recognized as having a basic right to engage in sexual activity in virtually any form.” The International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF]... Continue Reading
Adoption together with the black church
If one family in every black congregation would adopt one child, all the black children currently in the system would have a Christian home, especially black males. It really is that simple. Being a black male puts you in one of the least desired categories of Americans, because “dark skin” and “negro dialect”—as Sen. Harry... Continue Reading