Will General Assembly leave the PCUSA speaking utter confusion?
I asked a 7-year-old, “What is marriage?” She responded, “That’s when the mommy and the daddy still live together.” To her way of thinking, marriage is defined as a man and a woman who are “not divorced.” If that is indicative of the cultural reality to which we have sunk, what is our witness as... Continue Reading
WormTape #9: A Strategic Opportunity: A New Style of Pastoral Leadership Arising?
It is, of course, a huge logical fallacy to believe that critics of the plan are cheering for failure or mean-spirited or hopeful for denominational demise. WormTape: “Chuck, you have a real problem brewing. It seems that most of your supporters are privately losing confidence—or the will to face a public repudiation—and are beginning to... Continue Reading
Knox Seminary and Bruce Waltke: Can a Theistic Evolutionist Believe in Biblical Inerrancy?
Dr. Luder Whitlock, Chairman, Dr. Ron Kovack, President, and Dr. Warren A. Gage, Interim Dean of Faculty say that “in our opinion, Dr. Waltke’s views are wholly compatible with our confessional standards” The original article, from which the following is an excerpt, may be viewed at http://www.teachingtheword.org/content_tq/articles/tq0296/article_tq0296.htm [Editor’s note: The link (URL) to the original... Continue Reading
Support for the PCA Strategic Plan: A Positive Step for Addressing Pivotal Issues
“byFaith asks three veteran pastors about their reactions: Dr. Michael Ross, the Rev. Joseph V. Novenson, and the Rev. A. Randy Nabors” Last month, the PCA Administrative Committee (AC) approved the “PCA Strategic Plan.” The Plan was produced by the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC), which is comprised of the coordinators and presidents of PCA agencies... Continue Reading
Should We Marry If We’re Theologically Divided?
A while back I posted a question from Calvin, a Reformed dispensationalist fundamentalist, and Aimee, a Pentecostal, who have fallen in love and want to get married. Their question is too long to repost, but here are my thoughts on the question. Dear Calvin and Aimee, I’m tempted to start by saying your question has... Continue Reading
The PCA Administrative Committee responds! (Well, sort of…)
There has been a host of commentary and criticism of the proposed PCA Strategic Plan. Blogger Johannes Weslianus has a helpful recent summary and categorization of a number of comments, and the Aquila Report has been publishing various comments (including mine) as well. I’ve been wondering if/when the PCA’s Administrative Committee (AC) or Cooperative Ministry... Continue Reading
We Need Heroes
Someone recently said in my hearing that courage is confidence in the providence of God to engage in a dangerous mission. People with courage we call heroes. This past week I had the privilege of attending the funeral of a hero. He was a member of our church. He was twenty-two years old. He was... Continue Reading
Why I’m an ‘immediatist’ on abortion
“After 25 years in the battle, I am also appalled at the complacency in the evangelical church and the “colonizationist” mindset that is dominant in dealing with this all-important issue.” One of the most significant internal struggles of a movement occurred over a century and a half ago as the anti-slavery movement evolved from a... Continue Reading
Letter To The Editor: Is ‘Pay to Play’ the Right Way to Go?
I’d like to respond to the main argument presented in the post supporting the plan to require churches, ministers, and presbyteries to pay a fee in order to retain voting privileges at General Assembly. Last week, byFaith Online posted a Q&A with John Robertson (Business Administrator for the PCA’s Administrative Committee entitled, “Strategic Plan: AC... Continue Reading
Yoghurt Christianity in Scotland?
It’s time Christianity in Scotland got out of its ‘encultured’ yogurt/jelly like status and instead had more of a specifically Christian taste. I have just spent a whole afternoon reading Assembly reports from the Free Church and the Church of Scotland. It many ways it was not edifying reading. The state of the Church in... Continue Reading