Israeli Bashing, International Mindlessness, and Isaiah 58:1: “We have a problem”
The Church is the voice and conscience of the State. It is time for our voices to be heard. It is time for the conscience of the West to recall the goodness of God when we followed Him Daniel Henninger wrote in the Wall Street Journal on June 2 2010 about the almost unimaginable display... Continue Reading
Southern Baptist Ethicist: Without revival, U.S. will become unrecognizable
“Fifty-five percent [of American children] have lost their fathers in the home by their 6th birthday — when we know that this is a catastrophe for children.” American Christians will one day not recognize their country if a movement of God that begins with a revival among His people does not occur, Southern Baptist ethicist... Continue Reading
Commentary on the Erskine College SACS Accreditation Report
We asked several people involved in Higher Education and in the ARP, to comment on the recent report from Erskine’s Accrediting Agency Here are the returns we received. 1. From Dr. Ken Smith, President, Geneva College I do not know enough about Erskine’s governance structure or its authorizing documents to be able to comment... Continue Reading
More Thoughts on the Strategic Plan
My general conclusion is simple: This is neither strategic nor much of a plan. I have several thoughts on the Plan, but will only address a few in this article. In 2004, I took a certification class for new General Motor products. When I completed it, an older Chevrolet salesman asked, “What do the new... Continue Reading
Ecological Catastrophe and the Uneasy Evangelical Conscience
For too long, we evangelical Christians have maintained an uneasy ecological conscience…We’ve had an inadequate view of human sin… We’ve had an inadequate view of human life and culture… We’ve compromised our love. I’ve left my hometown lots of times. But never like this. Sure, I’ve teared up as I’ve left family and friends for... Continue Reading
What Should We Teach About Creation?
So that has the advantage of saying that the earth is billions of years old if it wants to be—whatever science says it is, it is—but man is young, and he was good and he sinned How far should we go in teaching creationism in the church? How important or unimportant is it? I assume... Continue Reading
Whither or Wither? The Trials and Tribulations of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rather, the ARPC must recover the riches of its own heritage–a winsome ecclesial sensibility, a commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ over his church (the Covenanter legacy), and to the free offer of a gracious gospel (the Seceder legacy). The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) is one of the smaller and lesser known Presbyterian... Continue Reading
Three things Christians say about pop culture scandals
“I would write about Calvinism and whether Christians should drink beer. I’d call it the “5 point pint”” If I wanted to start a huge Christian blog I know exactly which two subjects I would write about: Calvinism and whether Christians should drink beer. I’d call it the “5 point pint” and it would be... Continue Reading
The Future of the PCA
The PCA will probably continue to decline in the decade to come. Some of the reasons are sociological and demographic; others are theological. Some are intrinsic to our PCA identity, and cannot be changed. I Chronicles 12:32 describes the men of Issachar, who had the ability to understand the times in which they lived. Can... Continue Reading
John 14:6 For Dummies
G.K. Chesterton said it best when he said that tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions. It might also be said that tolerance is the virtue of a man without salvation I cannot imagine why someone would dedicate himself to a religion that provides just one of many equally valid paths to salvation.... Continue Reading