Video Games, Idols, and Your Child’s Heart
What this all means is that few children escape the influence of video games, and the temptation to idolatry. Video games are one of the most influential and time consuming recreational activities in our society today. On average gamers spend 18 hours per week playing video games. This extensive time investment is reflected in the... Continue Reading
Making All Things New – God’s mission is to bring heaven to earth
But a closer look at the context reveals that in those pictures Jesus gave of men in the field and women at the mill, those “left behind” are the righteous rather than the unrighteous. For a long time now, I’ve been convinced that the way most Christians think about redemption is influenced more by ancient... Continue Reading
Charles Stanley, First Baptist-Atlanta, Presents A Sober Warning in Fourth of July Message
“America currently stands in a very dangerous position,” said Stanley. “Today more than ever, the country is turning away from God and moving closer toward socialism, he warned. And the consequences will be grave.” “We know the truth, we know the principles of God. In spite of all that, we find ourselves as a nation... Continue Reading
How To Deal With A Large Minority – My Opinion of the Strategic Plan Process in the PCA
First, let me clarify something. I am writing this commentary as a churchman, not as a journalist. As publisher of an independent magazine, I don’t participate in discussions or votes at the General Assembly of the PCA (although I must admit my determination was sorely tempted on Thursday). I also write this not just simply... Continue Reading
Some thoughts on pulpit methodology
Christ is the theme of every part of Scripture. If my sermons do not exalt and speak of him, then no methodology will remedy that most glaring omission of all. There is a philosophy current among evangelical preachers that one is not really preaching unless one is expounding and explaining a book of the Bible... Continue Reading
Money, Deficits, and the Devil – Lessons on economics from Faust
Perhaps the biggest lesson from Goethe’s Faust is that self-deception is intrinsic to all foolish acts Sometimes the best economists aren’t economists. One of the most famous plays in Western history was penned by the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). His two-part drama, Faust, is considered one of the greatest works of German... Continue Reading
Learn to be Married
So there’s this young pastor/church-planter guy. And he is in the midst of a challenging culture, trying to disciple his flock to glorify Jesus. His mentor gives him some advice as to what godliness should look like among his church members. It’s not hinged on behavior, but on what sound doctrine should produce in the... Continue Reading
Pray for a Boring PCA General Assembly
Surely it was no coincidence that in my devotions this morning, I read this line from one of John Newton’s letters to John Ryland, Jr. written near the end of Newton’s life: ”I have nothing to do with church controversies. … I desire to know nothing but Christ and him crucified.” While I like that,... Continue Reading
The Gospel and Racial Harmony – What I Learned at the World Cup
Not every tribe, but people FROM every tribe. He will lay claim to those people he has bought. God intends to have this multicolored people. Notes provided by Adrian Warnock, a staff member of Jubilee Church. Jubilee is a large multi-racial church in London and is a port to New Frontiers ministries. This past... Continue Reading
Virginia’s Constitution: The First in the Colonies, the First in the World, Approved June 29, 1776
“…all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other…” In two short months from May 6, 1776 to June 29, 1776, a group of elected representatives chosen from... Continue Reading