Is the United Church of Christ the most liberal mainline Protestant church in the United States?
With its combined roots in both the New England Congregational and German Reformed movements during the days when both were clearly advocates of the Reformed faith, the theological decline in the United Church of Christ is indeed sad. But of even more consequence is the fact that most ‘average Christians’ in America are not aware... Continue Reading
A Prayer About Jesus and Billy Graham
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:7-8 Dear Lord Jesus, you alone are Savior … you alone are changeless … you alone are worthy of our unfettered... Continue Reading
Ambushed by Grief – An Atheist deals with a wife’s Alzheimer’s Disease
One of the most well-known faces on British television, Suchet has written very warmly and movingly of his wife’s deterioration It’s a very satisfying feeling to have left home with a list of intended books for holiday reading, and to have returned having completed it. This year, one of my holiday reads was John Suchet’s... Continue Reading
Looking Back To The Fathers of the PCA, Part 3: Address at Presbyterian Journal Day August 1970
From the blog of Andrew Barnes, Editor There are many questions circulating out there by some elders of the PCA concerning the future of our denomination. I believe it a good thing to look back at some of the writings of the fathers of our denomination as they were nearing the end of the PCUS... Continue Reading
Baptist Women for Equality: We demand apology from CBMW for denigrating women
The letter demands an apology from the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood “for the misuse of Holy Scripture as it relates to women.” A group called the Freedom For Christian Women Foundation, which developed from a conference called Seneca Falls 2, has written a letter to the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood demanding... Continue Reading
Is It Wrong to Display a Picture of Robert E. Lee? My Response
Back before I went on this extended hiatus (finishing up this new book), I received a question from a reader about whether it was ethical and neighbor-loving to display a picture of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Here is my response. Dear Not-a-Neoconfederate, As I write this, I can see on my wall the flag... Continue Reading
God, Make Us Desperate!
American Christians live in the most prosperous nation in world history and the one in which it costs the least to be a Christian. This environment can be deadly to faith A few days ago I listened to a sermon by a man who is preparing to lead a missionary team that will plant itself... Continue Reading
Women Deacons: A Label or A Blessing?
‘Women Deacons’ is not going to happen in the PCA in my lifetime (I’m 77!). Many years ago I got about four letters to ‘The Rev. Prof.’ Of course, that went out with the 1920 Emily Post. My mother was very proud that I was a minister, so I never broke the news to her... Continue Reading
Carefully examine the reality of racism – both kinds!
Don’t do it, Tom. Write a happy column about lovely flowers, cuddly kittens, or wonderful kids. How about a few kind words about flags on Chester Boulevard? But stay away from this. No. Don’t avoid this. Racism. Here is the new cry and cause of some: those tea party people are racists. Even this week,... Continue Reading
The Future of Evangelical Roman Catholic Presbyterians
“I wonder if its really possible to be, without contradiction, an “Evangelical Roman Catholic Presbyterian.” As a part of their Future of Religion series, the religion portal Patheos considers the future of Catholicism. Elizabeth Scalia notes the intriguing entry by my buddy (the best talk show host in America) Hugh Hewitt: The Roman Catholic Church... Continue Reading