PCA Strategic Plan (AC Funding) – Another Chart, Another Misinterpretation
The CMC is stating that 785 out of our 1,740 churches and missions (45%) receive less than $100,000/year in tithes and offerings. That cannot be correct. When I first learned about the Strategic Plan as presented at our May presbytery meeting, something immediately caught my eye. What was presented there was a summary of the... Continue Reading
Tim Keller’s White Paper on Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople
“Keller…considers three main clusters of questions lay people raise when they learn of anyone teaching that biological evolution and biblical orthodoxy can be compatible” In the past several days, The Aquila Report has received a number of emails and phone calls bringing our attention to a paper written by PCA Minister Tim Keller, Pastor of... Continue Reading
What is real? – Reflections on the movie, Inception
There have always been movies asking about reality, meaning, perception, and time, but Inception is The Matrix on LSD. It’s a good thing I’m a Christian because the movie Inception was too close to the bone. I still have a tendency to struggle with the question “What is real?” The main things in life are... Continue Reading
A “New Agnosticism” — Coming Soon to a Soapbox in Your Neighborhood?
“The courage to admit we don’t know and may never know what we don’t know is more difficult than saying, sure, we know.” No one seems quite sure what to do with agnostics. In a sense, they are the odd cousins at the theological family reunion. The atheists and the theists know where they stand,... Continue Reading
Civil Discourse on the Floor of the House of Representatives? Find out why here
An angry confrontation on floor of the House of Representatives between New York Representatives Weiner and King illustrates an important First Amendment lesson. On July 29 a disagreement about a health bill that would have provided aid for people sickened by World Trade Center dust erupted in a heated confrontation between NY Reps. Anthony Weiner... Continue Reading
Civil Discourse with an Acknowledged Liberal: Union Theological Seminary, Glenn Beck, and Fascism Continued
The question is whether all conservatives are destined to be labeled as racists whenever they encounter a progressive. For those of you who missed it, Elijah Prewitt-Davis of Union Theological Seminary wrote a very humble, edifying, and engaging response to the letter I wrote last week (http://bit.ly/9RXpuE) after reading his interview of the President of... Continue Reading
Thinking about the Cedar Falls Bible Conference, Willa Cather and Ha Erets
The early settlers on the land probably didn’t say, “Living in Minnesota would be really neat.” This summer I’m preaching at the annual Cedar Falls Bible Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa. They hold it at a campground just like they’ve been doing since the turn of the last century. Some of the same families who... Continue Reading
The Way the General Assembly Passed the Strategic Plan Was Against Its Own Rules
As most readers will be aware, the 38th PCA General Assembly in Nashville considered a strategic plan proposed by the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC), and then approved and recommended by the Administrative Committee (AC). After several hours of debate, the Assembly passed the themes, goals, and all but one of the means. The controversy surrounding... Continue Reading
Anne Rice Hasn’t Betrayed You
Let’s give her room to come home, if and when she wants. Let’s not verify her experience of angry, raging Christians. Last week the Internet was abuzz with news that Anne Rice has renounced Christianity. The best-selling vampire novelist, who professed faith in Christ several years ago and has since written several books about Jesus... Continue Reading
No faith in universities – Schools ramp up the war on traditional Christian beliefs
More lawsuits like this will serve notice that this form of discrimination will not be tolerated. The American mind has been in chains for far too long, and it is time for them to be broken. Universities claim to be havens for diversity, but this political correctness does not guarantee freedom of thought. Tolerance is... Continue Reading