Yes, God will—If you……
How sure are you that God loves you? Does his holiness cancel out his love? Does that persistent sin mean the end of your hope? Is the best we can do in church is talk about God’s love, but never to celebrate it? In our Cristo Rey Hispanic/Anglo church you learn to think across cultures.... Continue Reading
All Eyes on Supreme Court’s Anthony Kennedy and Prop. 8
“It might be wise for those who believe in Divine Providence to pray for a man who holds a heavy burden in his hands: deciding the fate of marriage for a nation.” Should defenders of true marriage pin their hopes on the U.S. Supreme Court? Despite public displays of confidence from pro-family leaders that U.S.... Continue Reading
How Can Anyone Think God Is Like That?
Sometimes the most profound theological rebuttal is “Oh, Baloney!” I was in a good mood this morning until I reached Luke 13:10 in my daily Bible reading. What I read there troubled me. It’s about a Sabbath day when Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. In the congregation was a woman, unnamed, “bent over” (osteoporosis?),... Continue Reading
Anybody listening?
It is the Gospel that gives the church its moral authority, and it is in the church’s faithful proclamation of that Gospel that it becomes a light to the nations. A gang of Presbyterian peacemakers has kicked the “CAT.” The boot was actually a soft-toed alternative to another proposed option, that Caterpillar, Inc., be evicted... Continue Reading
PCA ‘Doctrinalists’ Must Lead On Issues of Race and Reconciliation
Because of the current climate in the PCA, if the doctrinalists do not address racism as a doctrinal issue it will likely not be taken seriously by many in the denomination. [Before reading this post I would urge listening to Rev. Randy Nabors’ August 1 sermon on unity and reconciliation in Galatians 3:26-28 titled “Right... Continue Reading
Worship Is A Big Deal: Part 4
Part 4 of a multi-part series of posts on corporate worship: what it is and why it’s important All too common today are polarizing tendencies in worship that fail to reach the whole person. For instance, in some churches, how a Christian thinks is far more important than how a Christian feels. Worship in these... Continue Reading
Dissenters from the Established Church – Dissecting Darwinism as a Relgion
Despite decades of indoctrination, most Americans do not bend the knee to Darwinism. What did you do on your summer vacation? I saw America’s Established Church. The Established Church wasn’t Anglican or Baptist or Presbyterian: It was Darwinian. On a trip across America I stopped to visit Independence Hall in Philadelphia and found next to... Continue Reading
Are we losing our national vision?
Worse, we are in danger of embracing a vision of America that betrays everything most Americans always believed was good and true about their country The American Vision is up for grabs. Older Americans are suddenly waking up to the realization that the familiar legends, landmarks, and lore they grew up with are either unknown... Continue Reading
A Gavel Falls on Marriage: The Proposition 8 Decision
Last week, a very important gavel fell on marriage. The central institution of human civilization suffered a direct hit, and its future hangs in the balance. The importance of the decision handed down last week by U. S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker in California’s Proposition 8 trial will be difficult to exaggerate. Proponents of... Continue Reading
The problem with spirituality – Can you be spiritual without being religious?
There are however, also – from a biblical perspective – alien spirits that dominate individuals and groups such as institutions and nations Author Anne Rice said last week that she was ‘quitting Christianity:’ The once-lapsed Catholic wrote that she was could no longer accept her religion’s teachings on homosexuality, feminism, politics and birth control. “In... Continue Reading