Justin Taylor on a ‘tragic mistake’ – response to Andrée Seu
Taylor: more than ever we need to be clear that Mormonism is fundamentally incompatible with biblical Christianity…It is a religion founded by a false prophet. On Wednesday, our beloved columnist Andrée Seu wrote a column on her observations on Glenn Beck and his faith, which has drawn a lot of attention in the blogosphere. Our... Continue Reading
Jesus Keeps On for Us
Jesus is always our hope, when everything seems so bleak and hopeless. Yes, we are called to be diligent and hard-working in our service of Jesus Christ. But our faith always is not in our own faithfulness, but deep-down in our faithful Savior, the Mediator of the Covenant, through whom all God’s good blessings come.... Continue Reading
Questioning with boldness: Which is it Glenn, are you a Mormon or a Christian? Part 1
Mostly he uses Christian terminology, which is misleading. It would seem that Beck is a Christian. But how can that be? Mormons deny the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. This article needs to be written. I have to admit that I hate doing it because I’ve been a Glenn Beck supporter for well over... Continue Reading
A Prayer About Not Being Idle About Idols
“Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” 1 John 5:21 Gracious Father, this final admonition in John’s first epistle lands on my heart with power. Idolatry is everywhere because there’s no such thing as a non-worshipper. Worship is the most defining category in the whole of life. Whoever or whatever reigns in our heart determines the... Continue Reading
An Alternative to the Proposed AC Funding Plan
Only after one sees the scope of their responsibilities and the corresponding lack of financial support can we get grasp their frustration. Thus the proposed ‘tax’ on churches and ministers seems to be the only way out of this dilemma It is no secret that, in the world of non-profit organizations, administration is often neglected... Continue Reading
Constitution Day, September 17: Celebrate the Bill of Rights
“At the time of their adoption, the Bill of Rights represented the high point of a courageous struggle to pass on the relatively new idea that rule of law must forever stand as a check upon governmental power.”—Professor Bernard Swartz On September 17, 1787, the final draft of the Constitution was adopted by members of... Continue Reading
The War Between Spirituality and Science Is Over
The real question posed by Mooney’s USA Today column is whether Christians possess the discernment to recognize this postmodern mode of spirituality for what it is — unbelief wearing the language of a bland faith. There are many arenas of cultural and intellectual conflict in the world today, but one of the most controversial of... Continue Reading
To reach Muslims, trade fear for love
It isn’t that Muslims aren’t responsive to the Gospel. The issue is that most Muslims have never heard it or seen a committed Christian live it out. Islam claims nearly one-fourth of the world’s population — 1.57 billion Muslims. But fear — felt by both Muslims and Christians — ranks among the most significant barriers... Continue Reading
A Viable and Voluntary Alternative to Fund the PCA Administrative Committee
Whether this proposal is the best alternative to the presently proposed AC Funding Plan can be debated, but it demonstrates that there are realistic and viable options that need to be considered. This past summer, the 38th General Assembly (GA) of the PCA approved a new funding plan for the denomination’s Administrative Committee (AC). That... Continue Reading
The Next Christian Response to Islam – The strain of religious diversity tests Christians’ own principles.
In 1990, Terry Muck, Christianity Today’s Executive Editor warned: “Ten or twenty years from now the full force of non-Christian religions will be felt.” Debate over the so-called Ground Zero mosque, followed by the inflammatory press attention paid to Pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn Qur’ans on September 11, has stirred an excess of angst... Continue Reading